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Police order investigation into boat accident that killed Nollywood actor Junior Pope and others

Police order investigation into boat accident that killed Nollywood actor Junior Pope and others


Anambra State Commissioner of Police, CP Aderemi Adeoye, has ordered an investigation into a boat accident that occurred on Wednesday in Anambra West Local Government Area of ​​Anambra State, which killed popular Nollywood actor, JohnPaul Odonwodo, popularly known as Junior Pope, among others.

This comes as the police, the Nigeria Inland Waterways Authority and local divers in the area claim credit for the rescue of survivors of the accident and recovery of the bodies of the deceased.

In a press statement by the Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the Anambra State Police Command, SP Tochukwu Ikenga said investigation into the matter was aimed at finding out if there was any activity criminal behind the accident.

He said: “A preliminary investigation has provided insight into the cause of the accident, but a thorough investigation has been ordered by the Commissioner of Police with a view to determining the criminal liability of any person, if any, in the accident.

“Commissioner of Police CP Aderemi Adeoye commiserates with the family, friends and fans of the actors who died following the boat accident. He prayed to God Almighty to grant their souls sweet rest.

Speaking about the command’s efforts to rescue the victims, Ikenga said: “After being informed of the capsizing, the Marine Police of the Anambra Command deployed for the rescue operations and managed to rescue six actors and one actress from the water.

“Two other unconscious persons were also pulled out with the help of fishermen and transported to the Delta State Command Marine Police Jetty where other crew members who were traveling in the first boat were waiting and handed over to the President of the Actors Guild for transport to the hospital while the rescue team returned to search for three more people.

“Although the accident occurred within the jurisdiction of the Anambra State command, matters related to the release of the bodies of the accident victims for decent burial must be handled by the Anambra State command. Delta State Police.”

Meanwhile, NIWA claimed that it was its agents who saved the actors.

The Regional Director of NIWA in Onitsha, Mr. Suleiman Nicholas, said in an interview that the incident did not happen in Anam, Anambra West as was reported but actually happened in Akpaka, a posh suburb of Onitsha and Nsugbe in Anambra East Local Government Area.

According to Nicholas, “twelve people were on board the ill-fated boat, which was almost at its destination when it capsized.

“Three people are still missing, two women and a man. Our men are already at the scene of the incident in the Akpaka area, carrying out rescue and recovery activities, along with men from the Nigeria Maritime Workers Union and the Maritime Police.

There is, however, another version from eyewitnesses in the region, seen on social media, which claims that the victims were rescued and the bodies of the deceased recovered by local divers, made up of fishermen, who were present at the time of the incident.

One of the survivors, TC Okafor, said in a video that it was local fishermen who used their fishing nets to recover Junior Pope's body, and another person who lost his life.

Police and NIWA, however, agreed that three of the victims from the capsized boat were still missing and are still being sought.

David-Chyddy Eleke in Awka

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