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Navy splits four-race lightweight rowing slate at Penn

Navy splits four-race lightweight rowing slate at Penn


PHILADELPHIA CREAM The seventh-ranked Navy lightweight crew won two of four races Saturday in an Eastern Sprints League clash against No. 2 Penn along a 2,000-yard course on the Schuylkill River. With the Callow Cup on the line for the first varsity eight winner and the 1919 team points trophy for the cumulative regatta winner, the host Quakers won each of the first and second varsity eight races to win the two trophies. The Mids' lower boats had a successful day of racing as their third and fourth teams won their respective events on Saturday.

The action on the Schuylkill took place in reverse order with the fourth varsity eight contest in the lead. Entering their fourth and fifth varsity eighths against Penn's fourth-ranked crew, the Navy duo had no problem passing Penn to move to the front of the pack. In clear water ahead of the Quakers, the Mids' 4V pulled away from the 5V crew all the way to win by 6.0 seconds, 6:07.3 to 6:13.3. Penn was 10 seconds behind the Navy 5V in 6:23.3.

The visitors completed a one-two finish in the first half of the regatta as Navy's third-ranked varsity eight team beat Penn in an ultra-competitive race. Close together for most of the 2,000 meters, the Mids and Quakers battled for position and countered each other's surges before Navy held on for a 2.4-second margin of victory with a time of 5:56 .3 to Penn's 5:58.7.

The Quakers worked their way into the win column for their efforts in the second varsity eight race that followed. Staying in contact with each other for most of the Schuylkill River sprint, Penn had enough at the end to edge Navy by 3.4 seconds, 5:51.6 to 5:55.0.

The Callow Cup was on the line in the final of Saturday's competition as the top two teams from the eighth team competed in a competitive 2,000 meter race. The Quakers showed muscle and speed, which ranked them second overall in the country. In control until the finish, Penn clocked 7.4 seconds ahead of Navy while the teams' respective times were 5:41.2 and 5:48.6.

“It was a good day for our third, fourth and fifth varsity boats,” the head coach said. Shawn Bagnal. “It was fun to see their improvement over the entire distance of the race. There is no doubt that it was also “from the frying pan to the fire” for the first and second varsity teams, facing each member of the team ranked No. 2 in the country at home.

“We will come together as a team, prepare and thrive in our academic finals, and do our best as we head into the championship season. We have continued to stay true to each other and the process of improvement during the season I am convinced that this faith will be rewarded at the Eastern Sprints in a few weeks.

Once the regular season is over, Navy will turn its attention to the playoffs which begin at the Eastern Sprints on Sunday, May 19 in Worcester, Massachusetts.

Race results
First university eight

Penn 5:41.2
Marine 5:48.6

Second university eight

Penn 5:51.6
Navy 5:55.0

Third university eight

Navy 5:56.3
Penn 5:58.7

Fourth university eight

Marine 4V 6:07.3
Marine 5V 6:13.3
Penn 6:23.3

Boat Lineups




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