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Diljit Dosanjh shocked as Imtiaz Ali reveals Shah Rukh Khan called him 'country's best actor' | Web series

Diljit Dosanjh shocked as Imtiaz Ali reveals Shah Rukh Khan called him 'country's best actor' |  Web series


Netflix's Amar Singh Chamkila, starring Diljit Dosanjh and Parineeti Chopra, was released on April 12. In the latest episode of Kapil Sharma's new Netflix show The Great Indian Kapil Show, biopic director Imtiaz Ali joined Diljit and Parineeti to promote Amar Singh Chamkila. , based on the life of the Punjabi singer and performer. Responding to a question, Imtiaz revealed what actor Shah Rukh Khan told him about Diljit. Read also : Before Amar Singh Chamkila, 5 must-have musical biopics for your binge list

Diljit Dosanjh was left speechless after Imtiaz Ali said on The Great Indian Kapil Show that Shah Rukh Khan once told him that Diljit was the best actor in the country.  (Archive photo)
Diljit Dosanjh was left speechless after Imtiaz Ali said on The Great Indian Kapil Show that Shah Rukh Khan once told him that Diljit was the best actor in the country. (Archive photo)

“Diljit is the best actor in the country”

When asked why Imtiaz chose Diljit for the role of Chamkila, even though they had never worked together before, the filmmaker replied, “Mujhe Shah Rukh Khan ne bola tha ki agar iss mulk mein sabse acha koi actor hai, toh woh apne Diljit paaji hai.” (Shah Rukh Khan told me that Diljit is the best actor in the country).”

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A speechless Diljit looked at Imtiaz in disbelief while Parineeti Chopra said 'wow'. Diljit, in his witty style, then said that Shah Rukh might be “in the mood”, apparently after a few drinks.

Imtiaz then continued to explain why Diljit was his first choice for the role, saying, “Mujhe aisa lagta hai ki agar Diljit paaji ne mana kar diya hota toh ye film shayad ban hi nahi sakti thi (If Diljit had refused Amar Singh Chamkila , but it wouldn't have been done). and a).singer and also someone who was willing to gain 30 pounds for this biopic so it was wonderful.”

In Amar Singh Chamkila, Diljit Dosanjh is seen with Parineeti Chopra.
In Amar Singh Chamkila, Diljit Dosanjh is seen with Parineeti Chopra.

About the movie

Singer and actor Diljit is seen as the lead character in Imtiaz's film Amar Singh Chamkila, based on the Punjabi singer's life. The biopic also stars Parineeti as his wife, Amarjot Kaur. The film's synopsis reads: “A humble singer's brash lyrics ignite fame and fury across Punjab as he grapples with soaring success and brutal criticism before his untimely death.”

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