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Showing Ruturaj's Slow Stick is a Bollywood film. He and Dhoni are made of the same cloth: Fleming, CSK coach | Cricket

Showing Ruturaj's Slow Stick is a Bollywood film.  He and Dhoni are made of the same cloth: Fleming, CSK coach |  Cricket


Chennai Super Kings head coach Stephen Fleming sees no difference in the captaincy styles of MS Dhoni and Ruturaj Gaikwad. The opening batter took over from Dhoni after the legendary cricketer decided to hand over the CSK captaincy before the start of IPL 2024. So far, everything has been good for Gaikwad, who won three games out of five as captain this season. . But all three matches were played at the Chidambaram Stadium in Chennai, which is a stronghold for CSK.

Chennai Super Kings captain Ruturaj Gaikwad and Mahendra Singh Dhoni (PTI)
Chennai Super Kings captain Ruturaj Gaikwad and Mahendra Singh Dhoni (PTI)

Gaikwad's captaincy has been a bit uncertain every time CSK has traveled in this IPL. Fleming, however, believes Dhoni and Gaikwad are cut from the cloth. Dhoni's calmness has rubbed off on Gaikwad, believes the former New Zealand skipper.

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There is no difference. He's as cool as can be. I know the last captain was pretty cool. But this guy is cut from the same cloth, so that has been erased, Fleming told reporters in Mumbai when asked if he had any discussions with Gaikwad in terms of differentiating between his leadership and his batting.

Gaikwad was also criticized for his slow batting. The right-handed batter has so far collected 155 runs in five matches with a strike rate of 117.42. Fleming said it was “unfair” to put the 27-year-old in the slow player category.

He’s such an impressive young man with his game and what he has to do. He was, I think, unfairly placed in a category where he was called slow. But you need to have context for some of these statistics, Fleming added.

We know it's a bit of a Bollywood film, where sometimes these things are projected on screen. But he's fine. He plays well in the conditions. The last match (CSK vs KKR) was a great example of how a leader plays, and there was some class there too. I have absolutely no doubt about Ruturaj,

Fleming clarified that the appointment of Ruturaj as skipper is a long-term decision and not an impromptu decision by the five-time winners. I hope so. That's the plan, and so far it's worked well. The transition was really smooth. He is judged by his victories, but we judge him differently. His leadership within the team is first rate. I imagine it would hopefully be for many years as the last captain, Fleming added.

CSK benefactors of Dhonis fandom: Fleming

The former New Zealand captain said CSK was the benefactor of the love Dhoni got from fans, which at times was overwhelming.

It's beautiful, to be honest. It's really amazing, the love that… Let's be honest, the love that India has for MS Dhoni, and we are benefactors of that, Fleming said.

The team, without a doubt, feels pride when they go to an away game and there is a large amount of yellow. If it's not all yellow, in some cases it's overwhelming.

But we have no illusions about what and who created it. We are very proud of him and his involvement with the team. We consider it a real honor to have people come out and support him, and if that's secondary, then the team. We are both very closely related, added Fleming.




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