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I want to watch another one: Kids criticize Bluey's longest episode | Blue

I want to watch another one: Kids criticize Bluey's longest episode |  Blue


Did you like The Sign?

Ottoline, seven: Yeah. I liked how everyone was a little silly at the wedding. [But] I really don't understand some of them. If you simply remove the sign, it is no longer for sale. But even if you remove the sign, they still bought it? And they bought another house, but how could they buy it at the very last minute? And just before they left, they had to move in again?

Edgar, four: Yeah, I wanted to be Bingo. It didn't bother her [moving house]. I would be like that if I were Bingo. What if we put a sign in front of our house?

Ottoline: Bingo didn't mind moving because she thought they were going to stay there. Then, when she found out they were moving and would no longer be able to live there, she was very upset. This doesn't usually happen in Bluey, so it made me a little sad because it meant that if there were any more episodes of Bluey, they wouldn't be in this house, or they would be with another guy .

Edgar: I want to watch another one.

Bertie, four years old: I liked the episode because I liked Muffin, when Muffin was dancing with socks.

Patrick, two: Muffin has pretty flowers.

Who is your favorite character ?

Ottoline: My favorite character was probably Bluey. I don't know [why]it's just something about the episode that makes me feel like she's my favorite character.

Maeve, seven years old: My favorite character is Bluey, Bingo, Muffin and all the little kids because they are funny and Bingo didn't know what selling meant either.

Nina, three: Bingo.

Do you have a favorite song?

Edgar: No.

Finia, seven years old: My favorite part was when they got married. It was a cute part of the story. Aunt Frisky was so beautiful.

Ottoline: Probably the wedding part.

Nina: When they had a dance party in the pink tent with all the music. I loved the wedding part.

Maève: My favorite part was when they no longer sold the house, because she was happy.

What was the funniest moment?

Ottoline: Probably when they were getting married. When the wedding started and they got really angry and ran away, it was kind of funny. Everyone was really silly and there were lots of colors and music and all that.

Finished: When they were in the car and Muffin said, I need to go to the bathroom, Aunt Chilli.

Maève: When Muffin dropped his drink it spilled everywhere and when the butterfly was in the car, because it was just funny.

Did you find any passages boring?

Ottoline: Not really.

Maève: No.

Did you like it to be longer?

Maève: Yes.

Nina: I liked it!

Finished: It was good that it was longer because it was more of a story, it included more topics. It was like two stories in one. It was a little dramatic and a little cute.

Ottoline: It was better because they could add more things and details. This made the episode much funnier and exciting.

Edgar: Can we watch Bluey again?

Why do you think they did it longer?

Maève: Because a lot was happening and also because getting married [weddings] can be very long when you sell the house.

Ottoline: Probably because a lot had to happen before the wedding, and then one of the people ran away during the wedding, and so a lot happened in there, and also because they had to tell another story, in a way from the entourage, of the move.

Was it different from other episodes of Bluey?

Ottoline: Very different. There were more details, more scenes and stuff like that.

Maève: Yes, because it was longer and there were also two floors to sell the house and get married.

Finished: I think history told us that things can change but they can also continue as they were. It made me happy.




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