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Folk festivals help attract tourists

Folk festivals help attract tourists


Dancers perform during the opening ceremony of the Sanyuasan Festival in Nanning, capital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, April 11, 2024. [Photo by Chen Guanyan/for]

Folk festivals of some ethnic groups have boosted tourism in China's border towns with their hospitality and cultural richness.

Residents of southwest China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region have just finished their four-day Sanyuesan Festival. Held from the third day of the third month of the Chinese lunar calendar, it is a traditional festival of the region's Zhuang ethnic group.

The regional government has granted those working and living in Guangxi a four-day holiday, one day more than last year, starting April 11.

In December 2013, the State Council, China's Cabinet, revised the national festival management rules to allow provinces and regions housing ethnic groups to decide the dates and duration of their folk festivals. .

Guangxi has taken steps to boost tourism and promote the Sanyuesan Festival ahead of the holiday. It began distributing tourist coupons from April 1, with the region's 138 scenic spots allowing free entry and 45 attractions halving ticket prices until April 30. Eighty-eight star hotels in the region offered half-price accommodation to travelers during the Sanyuesan holiday.

The holiday attracted more visitors, and China Railway Nanning Group Co, headquartered in the regional capital Nanning, recorded a record 811,000 passenger trips on Thursday, the first day of the holiday.

Guangxi has also seen marked growth in the number of international travelers during the holidays, such as those from Vietnam. Dongxing, a border city with Vietnam, said it recorded 38,600 outbound trips and 36,600 inbound trips as of 6 p.m. Saturday. A total of 120,000 entries and exits are expected during the holidays.

“The Sanyuesan festival is closely related to the traditional Shangsi festival (for the Han people), which also falls on the third day of the third month of the Chinese lunar calendar,” said Liu Jixuan, a professor at Guangxi Minzu University in Nanning.

He said the written records of the Sanyuesan festival have a long history and the festival now celebrates gratitude, ancestor worship, prayers for a good harvest, marriage and children, and lots of entertainment.

He explained that people organize family gatherings and entertainment activities such as throwing embroidered balloons and singing folk songs. They also prepare five colors of cooked glutinous rice: white, black, yellow, purple and red using herbal juices.

Hu Yangyang, from eastern Zhejiang Province, visited Guangxi for the Sanyuesan Festival. She said it was her first time in Dongxing and she was surprised by the food there.

“We had a great time there,” she said.

Other provinces and regions have their own folk festivals and festivals. Southwest China's Yunnan Province began celebrating the Water Sprinkling Festival this month, with the timing of the celebration varying by location.

For example, Yunnan's Dehong Dai and Jingpo Autonomous Prefecture gave residents a four-day break for the festival starting Thursday, while the Xishuangbanna holiday will last three days starting Monday.

“April is a month with many folk festivals,” said travel portal Tuniu. “The celebratory activities held during these festivals inspire people to experience the diverse cultures and customs of different ethnic groups.”




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