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Why this enchanting place has won so many Hollywood hearts

Why this enchanting place has won so many Hollywood hearts


The beach is vast and beautiful, all blue and gold views of the Pacific. We take a path built out of the sand, on bikes rented from another Santa Monica veteran: Perrys Cafe and Beach Rentals, providing wheels, good vibes and tasty food since 1977. You can rent skates, rollerblades , bodyboards, surfboards, bicycles and much more at its various points of sale along the shore. At $10 an hour or $35 a day ($8/$25 for kids), Perrys bikes are an affordable way to ride.

It's also the only means of transportation you'll need. Santa Monica is a rarity in Los Angeles, a car-free neighborhood. We stroll between the hotel and the beach, browse the cute boutiques and cafes of Montana Avenues on foot, stroll through the Third Avenue shopping center, then hop on our bikes to go further and faster.

The Strand cycle path is built along the sand.

The Strand cycle path is built along the sand.

Riding along the beach with the breeze in your hair is so liberating that you could just keep following the coastline along the 28-mile Strand Bike Path, passing the beaches of Marina del Rey, Playa del Rey, Venice , Manhattan, Hermosa and Redondo.

But it's just as tempting to stay local, especially if you're passionate about food. Every Wednesday morning, the Santa Monica Farmers' Market (also known as the Chefs' Market) attracts Hollywood and Michelin stars; here a Naomi Watts or Tobey Maguire, there an Alain Giraud or our own Curtis Stone. The market's cornucopia of local produce stretches for about four large blocks, and as we wander around, fascinated in equal parts by the beautiful crowds and the edible extravaganza, we stock up on delicious samples.

If it's a dish on a decent Los Angeles menu, chances are the ingredients come from here. And if this menu belongs to one of Santa Monica's 400-plus restaurants (15 of which are Michelin-recognized), you're talking yards of food rather than miles. A few hours after admiring the rainbow of cauliflower at the market, we savor it a few blocks away at the Citrin restaurant, transformed by chef Josiah Citrin into an exquisite mousseline served with egg caviar.

At the Farmers Market, local produce spans four large blocks.

At the Farmers Market, local produce spans four large blocks.Credit: iStock

There's even more indulgence at stylish spots like Calabra, the lush rooftop bar and restaurant at the Santa Monica Proper Hotels; Sugar Palm, Viceroy Santa Monica's fabulous new poolside rockstar enclave with its decadent cabanas; and the two-Michelin-star Citrines tasting restaurant, Melisse. Although Santa Monica sings to the child in everyone, adult glamor is never far away.

Multi-generational appeal, accessibility and ease all add up to an alluring mix that makes this Los Angeles playground a compelling alternative to nearby Disneyland for a family stay. You'll spend less on fun, thrills and escape, enjoy the added bonus of a big, beautiful California beach, and dive deeper into the local community.

Santa Monica Pier shows that Mickey doesn't have a monopoly on the magic of Los Angeles. Travel back in time on this carousel, stroll among these famous ghosts, and watch the lights of the Ferris wheel turn the ocean into a rainbow at night, and you'll understand why this enchanting place has captured so many Hollywood hearts.


United Airlines flies daily from Sydney and Melbourne to Los Angeles. See
Santa Monica is 8 miles from Los Angeles International Airport (LAX).

Santa Monica has more than 40 hotels for all budgets. Rooms with sumptuous Clean hotel in Santa Monica, cost from US$800 ($1,230) per night; the charming seafront Blue Sea Motel from US$280; and family and family Seaside Motel, two blocks from the beach, from US$120.

The writer traveled with the help of Santa Monica Travel and Tourism. See




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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