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Harrison Ford and the Hollywood blockbuster that helped save Sakic

Harrison Ford and the Hollywood blockbuster that helped save Sakic


The new Hockey Hall of Fame documentary debuts on Prime Video in Canada and ESPN+ in the United States.Courtesy of Amazon Studios

In the frame of its location to distributors for its latest documentary, the NHL needed a big name.

He became the most famous name to exist in Hollywood over the last half century: Harrison Ford.

The legendary actor, best known for playing the iconic characters Indiana Jones and Han Solo, has a little-known but crucial connection to the story of former Colorado Avalanche winger Joe Sakic, who is a essential element of “Saving Sakic”. Ford also has a cameo appearance in the 48-minute film which premieres Tuesday on Prime Video in Canada and Wednesday on ESPN+ in the United States.

“What really sold Harrison was how great it was as a standalone story,” said Steve Mayer, NHL chief content officer and executive producer of the project. “It wasn’t until he heard the story and saw it and liked it that he signed.”

The documentary tells the saga that took place a long time ago in a not-so-distant galaxy. In 1997, former Avalanche president and CEO Charlie Lyons was blindsided when the New York Rangers signed Sakic to a three-year, $21 million deal that included a bonus of signing for $15 million and required Colorado to move within seven days to keep Sakic in Denver. The team's owner, Ascent Entertainment, founded by Lyons, was aided in its pursuit of Sakic by the success of Ford's 1997 hit film, “Air Force One,” produced and co-financed by Beacon Pictures, owned by Ascent.

As a Denver sportswriter says in the film: “This is the movie that saved the Avalanche.” »

Yet director Jay Nelson had no intention of making Ford the centerpiece of his film.

“Harrison was just the icing on the cake,” he said. “This story is really about Charlie versus Dave [Checketts, the former president and CEO of Madison Square Garden]. New York vs. Colorado.

Lyons, however, was initially reluctant to take a lead role.

“If it was a serious play, I wasn’t interested — and I know for sure that Harrison wouldn’t be interested in something like that,” Lyons said. “What I told the league was, 'Look, if you have fun, you could get both of us.'”

Ford was largely unaware of the impact Air Force One — which, with $315 million in ticket sales, was the fifth highest-grossing film of 1997 — had on the trajectory of an NHL franchise. This fact forced the filmmakers to proceed with caution.

“It was just a matter of, 'Can we integrate it naturally?' » Nelson said. “Because if you sit down with Harrison Ford and start asking him questions about it, he won't have any answers. He may have heard about it, but he won't have anything to say about the inside information.

Instead, the shooting with Ford – which took place on the morning of December 23 in his Los Angeles home and was the last piece of the documentary filmed by Nelson – focused on Ford's role in maneuvering with the leaders of the studio to ensure “Air Force One” pulled off a crowded summer box office battle against “Titanic” and “Conspiracy Theory.”

For NHL Productions, which grew from a department of seven people in 2016 to a staff of 44 today, these types of projects are the goal.

“That’s where we want to go with our original content unit,” Mayer said. “I don’t care if you’re a hockey fan or not, you’re going to have fun with this one.”

Nelson is at the heart of the NHL's content efforts. He also directed “Chosen One: Alexandre Daigle”, a documentary premiered on the same platforms in January. Mayer and Lyons both said Nelson, who is in his fifth year as a senior producer in the NHL, is a rising star for the league.

In “Saving Sakic,” Ford’s revelation comes in a meta moment, as he and Lyons sit down and watch the first three-quarters of the documentary before jumping into conversation.

“This,” Ford says of the film-within-a-film, “is a lot better than I thought it would be.”




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