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As Indian elections approach, Bollywood mobilizes pro-Modi films

As Indian elections approach, Bollywood mobilizes pro-Modi films


NEW DELHI As nearly a billion Indian voters prepare to choose their national government in general elections scheduled for April 19 to June 1, Bollywood, India's largest film industry, is seeing a notable increase in support for the government currently in power.

With nearly a dozen releases strategically timed around the election period, Indian cinema is amplifying the Hindu nationalist political agenda of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his party. The slew of new films ahead of the April 19 national elections are being driven by big production houses that rely on storylines that openly promote Modi and his government's policies or target rival politicians.

This will have implications on the Indian film industry to some extent as conducting an audience impact study is not easy, said Anugyan Nag, assistant professor of film, media and cultural studies at AJK MCRC Jamia Millia Islamia. Cinema operates according to market logic and filmmakers who do not wish to produce such films may feel obliged to do so in order to survive.

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General elections will be held in India from April 19 to June 1 to elect the 543 members of the country's parliament. The elections, which will take place over a period of 44 days, will be held in seven phases and the results will be announced on June 4.

One of the most recent releases is a biopic on Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, a controversial figure in Hindu nationalism. Known for his controversial views, Savarkar's writings have often sparked debate due to their promotion of violence against Muslims and his sympathetic stance towards Nazi Germany and Italian fascism.

These films draw a striking comparison between the Indian government's current strategy and Nazi propaganda tactics. In fact, cinema has always served as a tool for nation-building. In this case, experts say, the Modi government is exploiting the filmmakers and content to propagate the BJP's nationalist agenda.

Savarkar is revered by Hindutva nationalists as a patriot and condemned by others for his controversial ideologies. The film delves into Savarkar's life, depicting his journey from a revolutionary freedom fighter against British colonial rule to a controversial political figure whose writings and actions continue to spark intense debate. Savarkar's advocacy of Hindutva, or Hindu nationalism, is central to the narrative, emphasizing his vision of India as a Hindu nation despite being a multi-ethnic democracy.

Ira Bhaskar, a recently retired professor who taught cinema at Jawaharlal Nehru University, said he was deeply concerned about the current wave of films.

I have never seen anything like this in my career,” she said. These films have deep-seated prejudices against Muslims.




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