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Michigan-born actor Christophe Zajac-Denek talks 'Sasquatch Sunset,' dwarfism activism and more.

Michigan-born actor Christophe Zajac-Denek talks 'Sasquatch Sunset,' dwarfism activism and more.


When Christophe Zajac-Denek was diagnosed with dwarfism as a baby, there were many unknowns about what his future would hold. Questions about his outlook and quality of life due to his disability were concerning. Yet Zajac-Denek remained fearless, determined to pursue his dreams and raise awareness about dwarfism.

Zajac-Denek joined me onAlternative socket for a conversation about his life and recent projects.

Listen: Christophe Zajac-Denek talks film projects, anti-dwarfism activism and more

Zajac-Denek has a starring role in Bleecker Street Media's upcoming film, “Sasquatch Sunset.” The challenge of playing a fully developed character in the wordless film proved rewarding for the Michigan native.

There is no dialogue, no language, no humans in the film. There's a lot of communication but all these other elements aren't visible, Zajac-Denek said. Honestly, this is the most fun production I've ever had. It was just unbelievably amazing.

The former Hard Lessons drummer's path has been filled with surgeries, learning curves and success in music and Hollywood. Zajac-Denek hosts a podcast about dwarfism aptly titled I'm a bit of a big dealwhere he discusses the daily challenges and triumphs of actors and artists affected by the disease.

He is also the subject of a documentary about his life as an avid surfer called “Standing On Water.”

Zajac-Denek dreamed of surfing from a young age.

I've been obsessed with surfing for 30 years, Zajac-Denek said. I loved this so much when I was 14 and living in my mom's basement…just reading SURFER magazine and imagine that I could surf the ocean.

He knew there were many bridges to build to get there, but it would bring many rewards.

As a short person, I'm 4'4″, I've had two reconstructive leg surgeries and a spinal fusion. Surfing is not easy,” Zajac-Denek explained. “I don't think it was something I expected that would be easy, but I just really wanted it to be a part of my life. And it's such a big part of my life. It really influenced my self-confidence, my identity and my ability to believe in myself.

Listen to my interview with Christophe Zajac-Denek in full using the media player above.

“Sasquatch Sunset”, with Jesse Eisenberg, Riley Keough, Christophe Zajac-Denek and Nathan Zellner, debuts in select theaters nationwide on April 19.

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  • Liz Warner

    Liz Warner, known to late-night Detroit audiences as Liz Copeland, is an award-winning multimedia journalist specializing in audio. She started in Detroit as an on-air radio producer and late-night host on WDET in 1995.

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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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