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They simply dance –

They simply dance –


The booming gig economy has become a new engine of economic growth for the Macau Special Administrative Region.

Last year, Macau hosted 240 pop concerts, three times more than in 2022 – with the price of some tickets for 57 of these events reaching more than 1,999 patacas ($247) each, according to Chessman Entertainment & Production Co, based in Macau.

The concert craze has had a ripple effect on various sectors of the city's economy, giving a boost to restaurant, hospitality and retail businesses, as well as an increase in number of tourists. According to the Macau Statistics and Census Department, a strong rebound in tourism has occurred recently. The year contributed to a 49.5 percent year-on-year increase in retail sales to P86.25 billion, while hotels recorded a high average occupancy rate of 85.2 percent.

“A medium-to-large-scale concert can attract tens of thousands of fans, thereby increasing hotel occupancy rates,” says Cheung Kin-chung, director of the Macau Association of Tourist Agents and president of China Travel Service (Macau) Ltd. “With Macau now having more than 46,000 hotel rooms, an influx of 4,600 overnight visitors can increase occupancy rates by 10 percent.

Cheung, who is also a government-appointed lawmaker, says these events have had a positive impact on tourism, with many visitors choosing to extend the length of their stay in Macau. As fans combine their concert experience with their leisure travel, this is also a benefit to the hospitality, transportation and retail industries.

To meet the growing demand for live music events, Cheung says Macau aims to build new venues with increased capacity.

The Macau SAR government has signed 10-year concession contracts with six major gaming operators in 2022, including Galaxy Entertainment Group, requiring them to invest P108.7 billion in non-gaming projects and on foreign markets over the next decade. Entertainment and shows are among multiple categories of non-gaming investments outlined in the agreements.

In line with these contracts and the SAR government's efforts towards economic diversification, Macau's range of entertainment venues has expanded by leaps and bounds, as evidenced by last year's opening of the Galaxy Arena , which offers a capacity of 16,000 seats and is now the largest in the city. theater.

The Cotai Arena, Macau's only other facility that can accommodate more than 10,000 people, is being renovated to boost the city's capacity to host large-scale events.

The Galaxy Arena, equipped with cutting-edge virtual reality technologies, is a project of gaming tycoon Lui Che-woo's GEG, which operates hotels, casinos and integrated resort facilities. Cotai Arena is managed by Sands China Ltd, which develops, owns and manages integrated resorts and casinos in the city.

Macau's vibrant live concert economy over the past year was reflected in the record-breaking performances of Hong Kong Cantopop legend Jacky Cheung Hok-yau, who held a series of 12 concerts at the Cotai Arena from June 9 to July 2 during the first leg of his world tour. The shows were a huge success with over 109,000 tickets sold and box office receipts exceeding 100 million patacas and setting a new sales record for concerts held at the Venetian Macao.

Lawrence Che Fok-sang, founder and managing director of Chessman Entertainment & Production Co, which provided behind-the-scenes support for Cheung's concerts, including venue coordination and rehearsals, says Macau's success in organizing high-profile shows lies in its sophisticated infrastructure and the expertise of its professional entertainment services teams.

“For an artist, the first leg of a tour is crucial because it sets the tone and standard for all subsequent performances,” Che said, adding that Cheung's decision to begin his world tour in Macau, with more than 200 shows planned, says a lot. on the city's capabilities as a live entertainment destination.

Che notes that the stations offer facilities and services that meet the needs of artists and their teams. Cheung's band and production team were able to stay at the resorts where the concerts took place, with rehearsal spaces and the venue itself close to their accommodation.

Resorts also offer a wide range of dining options – from upscale restaurants to affordable food courts – ensuring visitors have everything they need right at their fingertips. Such a degree of convenience and accessibility is “unmatched” by most other destinations, Che says.




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