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Disney officially renews the theme of Hollywood studios and no longer talks about films

Disney officially renews the theme of Hollywood studios and no longer talks about films


Mickey Mouse inside Disney World's Hollywood Studios for an after-hours event.

Image Credit: Inside the Magic

A recent article on r/Disney Parks (see below) pointed out that Disney's Hollywood Studios has increasingly strayed from its cinematic origins and that Disney may be forced to rename it given its expansion into other territories such as Star Wars and Pixar. While this is true to some extent, it is not necessarily a bad thing.

Will we see a name change for Hollywood Studios?
byyou/Jayhero19 InDisney parks

Whether guests like it or not, Disney Parks are evolving, which is especially evident at Walt Disney World Resort. As parks like Walt Disney Studios Park at Disneyland Paris and Disney's Animal Kingdom make their transition, some have suggested that Hollywood Studios is next in line.

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That may not be an unfair assessment, but a more accurate observation might be that Disney has moved away from the glitz and glamor of Hollywood and toward stories that keep audiences coming back for more . In short, it's less about making films and more about being a part of them.

Hollywood Studios makes you the star

Three adults walking on Sunset Blvd during Disney After Hours at Disney's Hollywood Studios.
Credit: Disney

In the Disney-MGM erathe park was solely dedicated to the golden age of cinema before being moved to Disney's Hollywood Studios in 2007. Although a controversial decision at the time, it allowed Walt Disney Company to focus more on expanding its intellectual property, resulting in a park that guests have enjoyed for over 16 years.

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Since the contracts with MGM expired, cinematic elements have fallen out of the park to make way for experiences based on the films themselves rather than how they were made. Of course, Hollywood studios still have attractions like One Man's Dream and the Star WarsLaunch Bay, but Disney focused more on integrating its guests into the films rather than the process.

Part of their world

Disney Slinky Dog Dash Roller Coaster at Toy Story Land at Disney's Hollywood StudiosDisney Slinky Dog Dash Roller Coaster at Toy Story Land at Disney's Hollywood Studios
Credit: Disney

Consider some of the more recent additions to Hollywood studios in recent years. Both Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge and toy story Land takes inspiration from beloved movie franchises, but they were designed to invite guests into the story.

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Even the disastrous Galactic Starcruiser Hotel was designed with immersion in mind, and (for a brief moment) guests felt like they were part of the movie instead of just seeing how the galaxy far, far away was brought to life to the big one. screen. As impressive as these elements are, they are also a sign that the park is evolving, but is a rebranding necessary?

The MGM brand at Disney WorldThe MGM brand at Disney World
Credit: Disney

If you know anything about Disney fans, you know that they are incredibly protective of the nostalgic accessories and materials they grew up with. However, Disney's Hollywood Studios is changing since Disney abandoned MGM. For years, rides and attractions leaned more toward the world of famous films than a massive behind-the-scenes tribute park.

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The comments in the Reddit thread are accurate to the point that the park is changing its identity. However, he still maintains his love for the magic of cinema. What better way to illustrate this concept than by inviting customers to experience the stories they've loved for years from a different perspective?

Do you think Hollywood Studios has lost the plot? Let Inside the Magic know in the comments below!




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