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At DeSales, Hollywood actors Dan Lauria and Dan Roebuck reflect on their profession and show biz

At DeSales, Hollywood actors Dan Lauria and Dan Roebuck reflect on their profession and show biz


CENTER VALLEY, PA. In 2012, Dan Lauria made a heartfelt plea to dim the Broadway lights when actors Charles Durning and Jack Klugman died within hours of each other on Christmas Eve.

Now 70, Lauria, best known as the father of “The Wonder Years,” told that story during a panel discussion Friday at the DeSales University Center.

He was joined on stage by fellow actor and future Santa Claus, Daniel Roebuck.

The duo appeared together on stage during “Conversations with the Dans,” as part of the “Reading, Writing and Retail Symposium” workshop.

The event also included interviews with author Maria Rodale, professor Katherine Ramsland, actress Shelley Dennis and journalist Vicki Mayk.

“Before, I felt more human”

Lauria and Roebuck, who both began working in television and film in the '80s, tackled the topic of artificial intelligence and ageism in Hollywood, while addressing other criticisms.

The hearing process, they agreed, lacks depth because it takes place over video calls, cellphone recordings and other technical means.

“We used to audition and have an experience that felt more human,” Roebuck, 61, said.

“I remember one time I brought my dad to an audition and he wanted to meet Tom Wilson, who played Biff in 'Back to the Future.' Then all I could hear was my father laughing hysterically Now you can't take anyone with you. [also] blame COVID for this. »

Faith-based films

Mid-career, the two “Dans” decided to flip the script, literally, and decided to write their own material.

Roebuck, known for his roles in the television series Lost and Matlock, and in films such as “The Fugitive,” wrote and starred in four films, which he filmed in the Lehigh Valley, as love letters to his hometown.

“Getting Grace,” “Lucky Louie,” “Hail Mary” and more recently “Saint Nick of Bethlehem,” which will wrap filming next week.

The idea of ​​making a holiday movie was a bold response to the 2023 Hallmark film “Miracle in Bethlehem, Pa,” filmed in Winnepeg, Canada.

The public is invited to a Christmas bazaar and closing party at the SureStay Plus By Best Western Lehigh Valley in Bethlehem on Saturday, April 28.

The event will raise money for Channel of Peace, a charity he co-founded to fund faith-based films such as “Saint Nick.”

“Actors don’t retire”

Lauria, who has starred in the Broadway productions of Lombardi and A Christmas Story, The Musical, is equally busy and will soon begin rehearsals in Manhattan for her off-Broadway play, Just Another Day, scheduled to premiere in May .

To help finance the $300,000 project, the veteran actor sold his Los Angeles home.

“Actors don’t retire, they keep going.”

TV star Daniel Lauria

“What am I going to do with it, I’m 77,” he said. “Jack Klugman and Charles Durning were literally my mentors. When they were 87 and 86, they did a play that I found for [them] and they loved it. Actors don't retire, they keep going.”

One of Lauria's first screenplays, “Dinner With the Boys”, is a play about her four good friends: Klugman, Durning, Dom DeLuise and Peter Falk.

“When Peter passed away, I put the piece aside for almost 10 years before bringing it out again,” Lauria said of the “Columbo” star, who died in 2011.

“Jack and Peter were the hardest working actors. Peter would drive me crazy and Charlie and Dom, we had so much fun. They were great guys.”




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