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10 biggest takeaways from the Beatles' tell-all new book

10 biggest takeaways from the Beatles' tell-all new book


Peter Brown, 87, worked for the Beatles, introduced Paul McCartney to his wife, Linda Eastman, witnessed John and Yoko's wedding and was immortalized in the lyrics of John Lennon. Peter Brown called to tell him you can make it happen, you can get married in Gibraltar. But the McCartneys reportedly ceremonially burned his 1983 book with co-author Steven Gaines, The love you makea Beatles bestseller that many called The Muck You Rake.

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Peter Brown attends the $500,000 Simulate A Better World Challenge winner's celebration at Brasserie 8 1/2 on October 10, 2012 in New York City.

Pierre Brun

Ben Hider/Getty Images

Brown and Gaines, who conducted hundreds of interviews with the Fab Four, their spouses, friends, families, and associates in the early 1980s for the book, had a lot more material than met the eye. The love you make. Now Brown and Gaines present All You Need Is Love: The Beatles in Their Own Words, Unpublished, Unvarnished, and Told by The Beatles and Their Circles, an oral history created from these original transcriptions. Although light on musical ideas, the book is heavy on personal drama and a piercing look at the band. Here are 10 juicy takeaways.

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The cover of the book All You Need Is Love: The Beatles in their own words

Courtesy of St. Martin's Press

Things have gotten surprisingly nasty between the Fab Four at times.

Brown and Gaines detail some of the toughest times among the Beatles. For example, when Ringo Starr told Paul that the band had voted to delay the release of Paul's solo album until after The Beatles came out. So be it, The usually great McCartney lost it. “He’s the only person I told to get out of my house,” McCartney said. I felt sorry for him. In 1976, when Paul rang John and Yoko's doorbell for a surprise visit, they turned him away. And George Harrison had harsh words for Lennon, confiding that he feared John wouldn't like his 1980 memoir (and he didn't). You probably think John is an asshole, Harrison said. He is so negative about everything. What's wrong with John, he's become so mean.

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Peter Asher, Maureen and Ringo Starr, Pattie and George Harrison getting off a plane in London in 1968

(Left to right) Peter Asher, Maureen and Ringo Starr and Pattie and George Harrison return to London on June 18, 1968.

Getty Images

George performed a play for Ringo's wife in front of his own wife and Ringo.

During a dinner with Ringo and his then-wife, Maureen, Harrison announced his passion for Maureen in front of his own then-wife, Pattie. As Maureen recounted: He just turned to Rich [Ringo] and he said: I am in love with your wife. I was totally stunned. I think men are dogs anyway.

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John Lennon sniffs a flower in bed with his wife Yoko Ono

John Lennon and Yoko Ono at a press conference from their bed in 1969.

Getty Images

No, Yoko Ono did not break up the group.

I don't know if you can blame Yoko; “It was supposed to happen anyway,” John's first wife, Cynthia, said of the group's collapse.




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