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Pennsylvania school board slammed homophobia after canceling Indian-American gay actor's appearance

Pennsylvania school board slammed homophobia after canceling Indian-American gay actor's appearance


A Pennsylvania school's decision to cancel a speech against a gay actor's harassment, citing his “lifestyle,” has sparked widespread outrage and condemnation. The planned guest speaker, actor Maulik Pancholy, was disinvited after school board members expressed concerns about his sexual orientation and activism, which they called his “lifestyle.” The decision not only upset her parents, but also angered students and community members who believed the school board was promoting discrimination.

FILE - Actor Maulik Pancholy attends the premiere of
FILE – Actor Maulik Pancholy attends the premiere of “Trishna” during the 2012 Tribeca Film Festival on Friday, April 27, 2012 in New York. A Pennsylvania school board's cancellation of an upcoming appearance by actor and children's book author Maulik Pancholy was ill-advised and sends a hurtful message, particularly to the LGBTQ+ community, education officials said in a letter dated Thursday, April 18, 2024. (AP Photo/ Evan Agostini, file)(AP)

Reaction to school's decision to cancel appearance by gay actor

Parents and community members in a Pennsylvania school district have united to voice their concerns and file a petition against the school board, which voted unanimously Monday to cancel its appearance. Pancholy, known for his role as Jonathan on “30 Rock,” was scheduled to speak at Mountain View Middle School in Mechanicsburg, Pa., on May 22, before the Cumberland Valley School District opted to cancel the event citing concerns about his activism and lifestyle.

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Pancholy, author of the book titled Nikhil Out Loud, was the main concern of the board. The book follows the story of a gay Native American boy at school. He describes himself as an activist, he takes pride in his lifestyle, and I don't think that should be forced on our students at any age, a CVSD board member said in a video posted online by a parent.

Petition filed against the decision of the board of directors

The move sparked outrage from parents, students and LGBTQ+ advocates who say the cancellation sends the wrong message about inclusion and acceptance. The board has been called homophobic by many. According to CNN, a petition started by Trisha Comstock, a school district parent, was later joined by more than 6,000 people demanding that the school board reverse its decision.

About Maulik Pancholy

Maulik Navin Pancholy is an American actor and author known for his roles in various television shows and films. He rose to fame for his role as Jonathan in 30 Rock and voiced Baljeet Tjinder in Phineas and Ferb. Pancholy also appeared as Neal in the first season of Whitney and played characters named Sanjay Patel in Weeds and Sanjay and Craig. Born in Dayton, Ohio, Maulik Pancholy comes from a Gujarati Indian family, with roots in Gujarat, India.

Mark Blanchard, the district's superintendent joined by other principals from various departments, wrote a letter Thursday expressing support for allowing actor Maulik Pancholy's anti-bullying speech to continue. According to administrators cited in the Guardians report, the school board's decision has had significant ramifications for our school community, particularly for our students and staff who are members of the LGBTQ+ community. » The statement adds that Mr. Pancholy's personality has been reduced to a single aspect. , and its ability to communicate an anti-bullying and hateful message has been discredited.




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