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Silent on set, Nickelodeon looks like “Neverland Ranch”

Silent on set, Nickelodeon looks like “Neverland Ranch”


Bill Maher took some time during his “New Rules” segment on Real time Friday to offer takeaway meals from Quiet on set: The dark side of children's television docuseries.

“As one of the few people in the public eye who has lived his life without ever having children, someone needs to tell me why I always have to defend them,” the host said. “I don’t even like them, but I think it’s every adult’s job to protect them.”

His first reaction to Investigation Discovery's five-part docuseries, which details allegations of abuse, sexism, racism and inappropriate behavior involving underage actors on Nickelodeon TV sets, was: “OMG !

“Nickelodeon? It wasn’t a studio, it was Neverland Ranch with craft services,” he shared of his portrayal of the network after watching the series. “It's only in scene after scene, clip after clip, that the child stars of their era are subjected to blatantly inappropriate and highly sexualized degradation. …I was disgusted and went camping with John Waters.

Maher then noted that Calm on set, which he said was the talk of Los Angeles, revealed not only a “dangerous workplace” but also “hypocrisy.” As an example, he claimed that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis was “removed from office” after saying the same things regarding Disney's actions.

“Why would a children's content mill like Disney be so different from Nickelodeon,” Maher asked before referencing a Willie Sutton quote about bank robbing “because that's where the 'money”.

“The reason we find pedophiles…on children's shows is because that's where the children are,” the host continued. “DeSantis was not wrong. We are so tribal now that the left will support the fucking children if the wrong party denounces it.

Later, Maher pointed out how Brian Peck – who was convicted of sexually assaulting a Nickelodeon child actor in 2004, which was later revealed to be Drake and Josh star Drake Bell in the docuseries – was hired by Disney to work on a children's show after serving his prison sentence. (The Hollywood Reporter previously reported that Peck voiced the role of a mirror in three episodes of The Suite Life of Zack and Cody for Disney Channel and worked off-set in a voice-over studio. THR also learned that Disney fired him immediately after learning of his conviction.)

“For pedophiles in Hollywood, it’s a small world after all,” Maher added.

The host also criticized Instagram moms who “practically OnlyFans-ing” their young daughters to “build social stardom” and Drag Queen Story Hours. “There’s nothing wrong with being a drag queen,” he said. “But maybe it’s time to admit that sometimes Drag Queen Story Hour is more for the queen than the kids.”

Maher stressed that he can't just pretend certain things are cool “in order to keep my liberal credentials.”

“Wokeness is no longer an extension of liberalism. More often than not, it’s about going so far that it becomes the opposite,” he explained. “Teaching children not to hate or judge those who are different: “Great, I'm proud to have gotten here. ” All that for this. But at some point, inclusion becomes promotion.

The guests of the last episode of Real time included Jillian Michaels, Jon Meacham and Jane Ferguson.




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