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6 Bollywood Supporting Characters Who Outperformed The Leads

6 Bollywood Supporting Characters Who Outperformed The Leads


The fate of a film is decided by the performance of the protagonist. However, sometimes it's the supporting cast who steal the show with their impeccable portrayal of their characters. Some actors have proven that they don't need a long stint on screen to establish themselves and leave an impact on the audience.

Here are some supporting characters from Bollywood films who have won more hearts than the main ones.

Priyanka Chopra – Bajirao Mastani

The Bollywood sensation who also rules Hollywood, Priyanka Chopra's performance as Kabhibai in Bajirao Mastani left us in awe of her. She even won the Filmfare Award for Best Supporting Actress for her impactful portrayal of the character in Sanjay Leela Bhansali's period film.

Paresh Rawal – Hera Pheri

We all love Baburao ka style in Hera Pheri film series. The character was brought to life thanks to the exceptional acting and adaptation of Paresh Rawals. His performance surpassed the other actors in the film, which made him a memorable character even today.

secondary characters bollywood baburao

Annu Kapoor – Vicky Donatrice

Ayushmann Khurrana and Yami Gautam's film won more hearts thanks to veteran actor Annu Kapoor's credible performance. His portrayal of fertility specialist and sperm-obsessed Dr. Chadha was a real bone-tickler and the secret ingredient to the film's success.

bollywood supporting characters annu kapoor

Anil Kapoor – Dil Dhadakne Do

Zoya Akhtars Dil Dhadakne Do is a film about an unbalanced family dynamic that every Indian can relate to. While Priyanka Chopra and Ranveer Kapoor had bigger roles, his portrayal of their father, a patriarch, had its own fan base.

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Rishi Kapoor – Kapoor and Sons

Rishi Kapoor adapted the lovable but mischievous grandfather character in the family comedy-drama Kapoor and Sons. His funny role was not only entertaining, but also relatable to those who grew up with their grandparents.

Kalki Koechlin – Dev D

The contemporary presentation of Devdas directed by Abhay Deol, Dev D is an exceptional film in which Kalki Koechlins' small but significant role as Chandramukhi won a million hearts and critical acclaim.

bollywood secondary characters kalki

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