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Alia Bhatt-Ranbir Kapoor's second wedding anniversary celebration; Salman Khan appears after the shooting – Jar so Fjoy

Alia Bhatt-Ranbir Kapoor's second wedding anniversary celebration;  Salman Khan appears after the shooting – Jar so Fjoy


Trigger warning: This article mentions shooting and weapons.

Here's another cold Sunday and that means wrapping up all the major Bollywood news that has been buzzing this week. Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor celebrated their second wedding anniversary; Salman Khan made an appearance after the alarming Bandra shooting incident and many other news reached the Top section.

If you missed any important news, Pinkvilla is here to save you. Let's take a look back at this week's top Bollywood news.

Here are the top 7 Bollywood news of the week

1. Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor celebrate their second wedding anniversary

Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor's chef shared a bespoke menu designed for the couple's second wedding anniversary celebration. It showed a moving picture of Ranbir and Alia enjoying a bowl of spaghetti, and their daughter Raha Kapoor stood between them and grabbed the same beach. The menu also included a love-filled photo of Alia and Ranbir. Alia, for her part, published two photos on April 14. The first is a beautiful monochrome photo of her with Ranbir. The second comes from Up's Carl and Ellie who wrote: “Happy 2, here's to us my love…today and many years from today.” »

2. Salman Khan's appearances after the shooting

Salman Khan was seen leaving his Galaxy apartment, Bandra, in a car the day after the shocking gunfire incident. The actor's car was surrounded by high security. Two suspects have already been arrested in this case. Two days ago, an Instagram video showed the actor arriving at Dubai airport surrounded by heavy security. He was greeted with flowers and flashed his million dollar smile as the paparazzi said, I love you Bhai.

3. Fans think Anushka Sharma is back in town with her kids

On April 16, some fans announced on X (Twitter) that Anushka Sharma and her children, Vamika and Akaay, were back in Mumbai. Fans couldn't help but express their excitement over his return after a long hiatus.

4. Athiya Shetty's Romantic Birthday Message for Husband KL Rahul

Athiya Shetty shared two photos to wish KL Rahul on his 32nd birthday. In the first photo, Athiya can be seen resting on KL's chest as they pose for a romantic selfie. In the second photo, Athiya and KL Rahul can be seen hugging each other and posing together in a blurry black and white photo. Athiya captioned the post: With all my heart to all my life, happy birthday, my everything.

5. Masaba Gupta and Satyadeep Misra announce their first pregnancy

Masaba Gupta and her husband Satyadeep Mishra left a beautiful message to announce their first pregnancy. “By the way – Two little feet are on their way to us! Please send love, blessings and banana chips (plain salted ONLY) #babyonboard #mama&dad,” read the caption alongside the post, followed by a red heart emoji.

6. Love Aaj Kal actress Arushi Sharma ties the knot with casting director Vaibhav Vishant

Love Aaj Kal actress Arushi Sharma recently married casting director Vaibhav Vishant. The intimate ceremony was attended by close friends and family. The bride and groom radiated pure joy and happiness and looked incredibly beautiful together.

7. Ranveer Singh breaks silence on his viral Deepfake video

Ranveer Singh, who was recently a victim of Deepfake AI, took to his Instagram account some time ago to respond to his fake video promoting a political party. On his Instagram story, he wrote in capital letters: “Deepfake se bacho dostonnnn (skull emoji)”

Stay tuned to Pinkvilla for all the latest Bollywood news!




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