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Queer actor Richard Armitage's best roles, from Spooks to Red Eye

Queer actor Richard Armitage's best roles, from Spooks to Red Eye


LGBTQ+ actor Richard Armitage to board deadly flight and investigate high-profile conspiracy in new six-part ITV drama Red eyes.

Armitage plays Dr Matthew Nolan, who is arrested by DC Hana Li, played by Jing Lusi, at Heathrow Airport after returning from China, and is taken back to Beijing on a night flight known as Red eyes.

The official synopsis states: “When a first death occurs [in flight], DC Li begins to suspect foul play. Further deaths confirm that Nolan is in danger, and after a call from MI5, Hana finds herself embroiled in a growing conspiracy.

Back in London, we follow Hana's sister, scrappy journalist Jess (Jemma Moore) who leads her own investigation into Nolan's extradition and finds herself forced to flee an unknown assassin.

And at Thames House, MI5 head Madeline Delaney (Lesley Sharp) breaks protocol and risks her career not only to help Hana and Nolan stay alive, but to expose an international conspiracy that appears to involve both China and the people in their own country. government.

The British actor confirmed last year that he came out “to everyone who mattered” when he was a teenager, but had not publicly discussed his sexuality because he didn't didn't want the focus to be on his personal life rather than his acting skills.

I don't know if I ever wanted to put myself first about the work I was doing, my family, or my personal life. I just thought: let the work speak for itself,” Armitage said. Radio schedules.

He also added that when it comes to his sexuality, he is reluctant to put himself in a box. It's always been one thing: if I declare who I am and my sexuality, then I say it's settled. I don't know, or if I can feel something for someone later, he told Attitude. I doubt it, but I don't know.

Armitage has a long list of acting credits under his belt, not to mention an uncredited role in Star Wars: Episode 1 The Phantom Menacein 1999 so perhaps he was right to let “the work speak for itself”. Here are some of his most loved roles.

Scary (2008)

Richard Armitage as Lucas North in BBC Spooks
Richard Armitage has joined the BBC Scary in season seven. (BBC)

One of Armitage's most famous roles was as police officer Lucas North, on the BBC show. Scary known as MI-5 in the United States, following the exploits of Section D, the anti-terrorist division of the British security services.

North is introduced in series seven, as the former head of Section D, who was captured and imprisoned during a previous operation in Russia, then returned for reinstatement.

Talk to Radio schedules last year, Armitage said North was not “100 percent heterosexual.”

Robin Hood (2006)

Armitage plays another popular and classically British role, Sir Guy of Gisborne, in the BBC adaptation of Robin Hood.

Sir Guy is the second-in-command sheriff of Nottingham. Armitage remained with the series until its end in 2009.

The Hobbit (2012)

Richard Armitage in The Hobbit
Richard Armitage as Thorin Oakenshield in The Hobbit trilogy. (Sky)

Armitage plays Thorin, the leader of the company of dwarves who aim to reclaim the Lonely Mountain from Smaug the dragon, in the three the Lord of the Rings prequels, between 2012 and 2014.

The trilogy, which also starred fellow British heavyweights Martin Freeman, Ian McKellen, Ken Stott, Andy Serkis and Orlando Bloom, was a hit with fans and critics.

Armitage previously said Hello! that the role of Thorin was extremely special to him.

“I was completely absorbed in Tolkien. Then I found the Lord of the Rings and I think that's where my first instincts were going to be acting, but I didn't realize it at the time,” he said.

“So when I started playing Thorin Oakenshield at 40, I was going back to when I was eight at school and finding this book for the first time. It was just a thing so huge for me.

Obsessions (2023)

In Netflix Obsession, Armitage plays London surgeon William Farrow, who seems to have the perfect life. Then he meets his son's girlfriend, Anna Barton (Charlie Murphy) and begins an affair that threatens to ruin his idyllic existence.

The couple shared a number of nude and explicit scenes in the steamy show, which Armitage told the Evening Standard were discussed with his partner before the broadcast of the show.

“We talked about it. I reassured him that everything would be fine and that we were well taken care of.

Armitage and Murphy also “met their partners” and went to dinner so they could all get comfortable with what the actors had to do on screen.

Fool Me Once (2024)

Richard Armitage in Netflix's Fool Me Once
Richard Armitage played Joe Burkett, alongside Michelle Keegan, in Fool me once. (Netflix)

The Harlan Coben thriller Fool me once follow former soldier Maya Stern, played by Michelle Keegan, who installs a nanny cam in her home to keep an eye on her daughter after witnessing the murder of her husband Joe Burkett (Armitage).

But when Maya starts seeing her supposedly dead husband in the camera footage, she is scared and confused and decides to find out if he is real or not.

Coben, the author of the book from which the TV series is adapted, previously said: “[Its] a shocking story about how secrets and deception have the power to bring people together while tearing them apart. I can't wait to see how this dream cast brings these characters to life.

Red eyesis a six-part British television series starring Jing Lusi, Richard Armitage and Lesley Sharp. It will air on ITV1 and ITVX on April 21, 2024.




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