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Class of 2024: Andrea Systrunk graduates with a Ph.D., life lessons and a motto to live by | Virginia Tech News

Class of 2024: Andrea Systrunk graduates with a Ph.D., life lessons and a motto to live by | Virginia Tech News


As a mother, former teacher, and active member of the community, Systrunk knew that redistricting was a highly emotional topic, but she wanted to gather information for her research. He said he was completely unprepared for the very long and very heated public meeting he attended. Most of the time people were just shouting at each other and no one was really listening. It was very unproductive.

Sistrunks' goal was to use technology to reduce contentious debates and raise awareness among stakeholders about the difficulty of creating zoning proposals that provide optimal solutions.

But she had to find a way.

She frequently complained to her advisor, Naren Ramakrishnan, the Thomas L. Phillips Professor of Engineering, director of the Sanghani Center and leader in artificial intelligence and machine learning at Virginia Tech's Innovation Campus, and hoped he would give her answers. I was expecting it. Mr. Ramakrishnan said he told her he didn't have it, but he encouraged her not to give up and assured her he would get there.

He was exactly right, Systrunk said. I realized that professors exist to guide us so we can discover more and advance cutting-edge technology. However, earning a Ph.D. is a personal endeavor, not just to meet the rigor of a professor, graduate, or publish research.

You need perseverance and you can reach your goals only if you understand how to overcome obstacles on your own and advance cutting-edge technology.

Ms. Systrunk works with Loudoun County Public Schools through numerous non-disclosure agreements to collect and use the data necessary to enable community members to explore and experiment with the possible outcomes of different zoning scenarios. I was able to do. For example, we understand that there may be insufficient space in school buildings for the number of students in a particular area, or that perfect rezoning may not be possible given student distribution and demographics. You can access the data shown.

The knowledge thus gained allows participants to read other users' comments within the platform, determine how others feel, and consider their own point of view before making actionable suggestions and suggestions. I also had the opportunity to look back.

Systrunk said the results were very different from the many meetings she has attended in the past, and Loudoun County Public Schools was pleased with the number of proposals received and the ideas presented. Ultimately, Redistrict was used by Loudoun County Public Schools in its two school zone changes.

Sistrunks' research illustrates the concept of problem-based learning. This is emphasized on her campus by innovations that embed within the context of a problem and impact the community to solve relevant problems.

Mr. Sistrunk has presented Redistrict research at venues such as the European Conference on Computer-Supported Collaboration, the Association for Computing Machinery Conference on Interactive Systems Design, the Conference on Computer-Supported Collaboration and Social Computing, and the Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. announced.

Our hope is that school districts across the country will recognize the value of redistricting in helping school districts change school zones to provide an equitable education to all communities, Systrunk said. said.




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