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Salman Khan to Hrithik Roshan: Bollywood's Biggest Stars Who Own a Range Rover

Salman Khan to Hrithik Roshan: Bollywood's Biggest Stars Who Own a Range Rover


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Salman Khan to Hrithik Roshan: Bollywood's biggest stars who own a Range Rover.  (Photo: Cartoq)

Salman Khan to Hrithik Roshan: Bollywood's biggest stars who own a Range Rover. (Photo: Cartoq)

Salman Khan acquired a Range Rover Autobiography LWB in Portofino Blue.

British luxury SUV manufacturer Land Rover, notably its Range Rover range, has become a mainstay in garages across the world. Bollywood Celebrities.

The combination of luxury, performance, brand recognition and customizability make it a perfect choice for the flamboyant and fast-paced world of Bollywood.

It looks like it's going to be raining Range Rovers in 2024, as several Bollywood stars have recently purchased the luxury vehicle.

Here is a list of some Bollywood superstars who are the proud owners of the latest Range Rovers:

Hrithik Roshan

Bollywood heartthrob Hrithik Roshan is the most recent superstar to buy himself a brand new Range Rover. Reportedly, the actor has opted for a stylish Range Rover Autobiography LWB 3.0 in Santorini Black color at a cost of over Rs 3 crore.

This powerful SUV, known for its luxurious interiors and features, is equipped with a 3.0-liter diesel hybrid engine. It generates a maximum power of 346 hp and 700 Nm of torque. The beast on wheels comes mated to an 8-speed automatic transmission and an all-wheel drive (AWD) system.

Salman Khan

Bollywood superstar Salman Khan also recently acquired a brand new Range Rover Autobiography LWB. This luxurious SUV, in a stunning shade of Portofino Blue, costs over Rs 3.5 crore. It has a 3.0-liter plug-in hybrid engine offering a maximum power of 503 hp and 700 Nm of torque.

Kartik Aaryan

Known for this flamboyant style, Shehzada star Kartik Aaryan opted for the premium SV Autobiography LWB variant. Its black and black Ligurian beast is a head-turner and likely full of high-end customizations.

It is priced at a hefty price of around Rs 4.5 crore and is powered by a 4.4-litre twin-turbo petrol engine capable of producing 523 hp and 750 Nm of peak torque.

Apart from Kartik Aaryan, veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan also owns this beauty.

Kailash Kher

Famous Bollywood singer Kailash Kher brought home a black Range Rover Sport. This SUV offers both petrol and diesel engine options and is powered by a 3.0-litre six-cylinder diesel engine that produces 350 PS and 700 Nm of peak torque.

The P400 petrol engine is also a 3.0-litre six-cylinder engine that produces 400 hp and 550 Nm of peak torque. The price of this new variant starts at Rs 1.69 crore (ex-showroom) and goes up to Rs 2.80 crore (ex-showroom).

Siddhant Chaturvedi

Siddhant Chaturvedi also won the all-new Range Rover Sport in a stylish black shade.

This variant, priced at Rs 1.81 crore (ex-showroom, Delhi), sits just below the top-end First Edition variant and is the short wheelbase version of the 3.0-litre Autobiography diesel. The luxury SUV is equipped with a robust 3.0-liter V6 diesel engine, producing 350 PS of maximum power and 700 Nm of torque.




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