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Celebrity birthdays for the week of April 28 to May 4

Celebrity birthdays for the week of April 28 to May 4


Celebrity birthdays for the week of April 28 to May 4:

April 28: Actress-singer Ann-Margret is 83 years old. Actor Paul Guilfoyle (CSI) is 75 years old. Former Tonight Show host Jay Leno is 74 years old. Actress Mary McDonnell is 72 years old. Singer-bassist Kim Gordon of Sonic Youth is 71 years old. Rapper Too Short is 58 years old. Actor Bridget Moynahan (Blue Bloods) is 53 years old. Actor Chris Young is 53 years old. Rapper Big Gipp of Goodie Mob is 52 years old. Actor Jorge Garcia (Hawaii Five-0, Lost) is 51 years old. The actress Elisabeth Rohm (Law & Order) is 51 years old. Actress Penelope Cruz is 50 years old. Actor Nate Richert (Sabrina the Teenage Witch) is 46 years old. TV personalities Drew and Jonathan Scott (The Property Brothers) are 46 years old. Actor Jessica Alba is 43 years old. Actor Harry Shum Jr. (Glee) is 42 years old. Actress Jenna Ushkowitz (Glee) is 38 years old. Actress Aleisha Allen (School of Rock, Are We There Yet?) is 33 years old.

April 29: Singer Bob Miranda of The Happenings turns 82. Country singer Duane Allen of the Oak Ridge Boys is 81 years old. Singer Tommy James is 77 years old. Director Phillip Noyce (Patriot Games, Clear and Present Danger) is 74 years old. Comedian Jerry Seinfeld is 70 years old. Actress Kate Mulgrew (Orange Is the New Black, “Star Trek: Voyager) is 69. Actor Daniel Day-Lewis is 67. Actress Michelle Pfeiffer is 66. Actress Eve Plumb (The Brady Bunch) is 66 years old. Country singer Stephanie Bentley is 66 years old. Actor Vincent Ventresca (TVs The Invisible Man, Boston Common) is 58 years old. Adelstein (Private Practice) is 55. Rapper Master P is 54. Actor Darby Stanchfield (Scandal) is 52. Campbell from Mary Mary is 52. Bassist Mike Hogan from The Cranberries is 51. Actor Tyler Labine (New Amsterdam) is 46. Zane Carney (Daves World) is 39 years old. Singer Amy Heidemann of Karmin is 38 years old. Singer Grace Kaufman (Man with a Plan) is 22 years old.

April 30: Singer Willie Nelson turns 91. Actor Perry King (Riptide) is 76 years old. Singer Merrill Osmond of The Osmonds is 71 years old. Director Jane Campion is 70 years old. Actor-director Paul Gross (Due South) is 65 years old. Bassist Robert Reynolds of The Mavericks is 62 years old. Actor Adrian Pasdar (Heroes) is 59 years old. Singer JR Richards (Dishwalla) is 57 years old. Rapper Turbo B of Snap is 57 years old. Guitarist Clark Vogeler of The Toadies is 55 years old. Singer Chris Choc Dalyrimple of Soul for Real is 53 years old. Guitarist Chris Henderson of 3 Doors Down is 53 years old. Country singer Carolyn Dawn Johnson is 53 years old. Actress Lisa Dean Ryan (Doogie Howser, MD) is 52 years old. Singer Akon is 51 years old. Singer Jeff Timmons of 98 Degrees is 51 years old. Actor Johnny Galecki (The Big Bang Theory, “Roseanne) is 49. Actor Sam Heughan (Outlander) is 44. Actor Kunal Nayyar (The Big Bang Theory) is 43. Rapper Lloyd Banks is 42. Actress Kirsten Dunst is 42. Country singer Tyler Wilkinson of The Wilkinsons is 40. Actress Dianna Agron of LANCO is 35. is 33 years old.

May 1: Singer Judy Collins turns 85. Actor Stephen Macht (Suits, “General Hospital) is 82. Singer Rita Coolidge is 79. Singer-bassist Nick Fortuna of the Buckinghams is 78. Actor Dann Florek (Law and Order: SVU) is 85 73. Singer-songwriter Ray Parker Jr. is 70. Actor Byron Stewart is 68. Actress Maia Morgenstern (The Passion of the Christ) is 62. Drive, “The Outsiders) is 60 years old. Country singer Wayne Hancock is 60 years old. 59. Actor Charlie Schlatter (Diagnosis Murder) is 58 years old. Country singer Tim McGraw is 57 years old. Bassist DArcy Wretzky (Smashing Pumpkins) is 56 years old. Director Wes Anderson is 55 years old. Actor Julie Benz (No Ordinary Family, Dexter) is 52 years old. Singer Tina Campbell of Mary Mary is 50 years old. Actor Darius McCrary (Family Matters) is 48 years old. Actor Jamie Dornan (Fifty Shades of Grey) is 42 years old. Actor Kerry Bishe (Argo) is 40 years old. Television personality Abby Huntsman (The View) is 38 years old. Lizzy Greene (A Million Little Things) is 20 years old.

May 2: Singer Engelbert Humperdinck is 88 years old. Country singer RC Bannon is 79 years old. Actor David Suchet (TVs Poirot) is 78 years old. Country singer Larry Gatlin is 76 years old. Singer Lou Gramm of Foreigner is 74 years old. Actor Christine Baranski is 72 years old. Singer Angela Bofill is 70 years old. Actor Brian Tochi (Revenge of the Nerds, “Police Academy) is 65. Actress Elizabeth Berridge (The John Larroquette Show) is 62. Country singer Ty Herndon is 62. Actor Mitzi Kapture (The Young and the Restless, Baywatch) is 62. TV commentator Mika Brzezinski is 57. Wrestler-actor Dwayne Johnson is 52. Singer Jeff Gutt of Stone Temple Pilots is 48. Blossom) is 47 years old Actor Kumail Nanjiani (Silicon Valley TV, The Big Sick films) is 46 years old. Actor Robert Buckley (One Tree Hill) is 43 years old. Actor Gaius Charles (Greys Anatomy) is 41 years old. Singer Lily Allen is 39 years old. Guitarist Jim Almgren Gndara of Carolina Liar is 38 years old. Actor Kay Panabaker (No Ordinary Family, “Summerland) is 34 years old.

May 3: Singer Frankie Valli turns 90. Sports announcer Greg Gumbel is 78 years old. Singer Mary Hopkin is 74 years old. Singer Christopher Cross is 73 years old. Highway 101 drummer Cactus Moser is 67 years old. Keyboardist David Ball of Soft Cell is 65 years old. Country singer Shane Minor is 56 years old. Actor Amy Ryan (Bridge of Spies, “The Office) is 56. Actor Bobby Cannavale (Boardwalk Empire, “Nurse Jackie) is 54. Music producer and actor Damon Dash is 53 years old. Bassist John Driskell Hopkins of the Zac Brown Band is 56 years old. 53. Actress Marsha Stephanie Blake (When They See Us) is 49 years old. Television personality Willie Geist (Today) is 49 years old. Actress Christina Hendricks (Mad Men) is 49 years old. Actor Dule Hill (Psych, “The West Wing) is 49. Country singer Eric Church is 47. Actress Tanya Wright (Orange Is the New Black) is 46. Dancer Cheryl Burke (Dancing With the Stars) is 40 years old. Singer Michael Kiwanuka is 37 years old. Actress Zoe De Grand Maison (Orphan Black) is 29 years old.

May 4: Jazz bassist Ron Carter turns 87. Singer Peggy Santiglia of The Angels is 80 years old. Actor Richard Jenkins (The Shape of Water) is 77 years old. Country singer Stella Parton is 75 years old. Actor-turned-minister Hilly Hicks (Roots) is 74 years old. Singer Jackie Jackson of the Jacksons is 73 years old. Singer-actress Pia Zadora is 72 years old. Singer Oleta Adams is 71 years old. Country singer Randy Travis is 65 years old. Actress Mary McDonough (The Waltons) is 63 years old. Actress Ana Gasteyer (Saturday Night Live) is 63 years old. 57. Actor Will Arnett (Arrested Development, “Blades of Glory) is 54. Bassist Mike Dirnt of Green Day is 52. Contemporary Christian singer Chris Tomlin is 52. Television personality Kimora Lee Simmons is 49. Sports journalist and television personality Erin Andrews is 52. Singer Lance Bass of NSYNC is 45. Actress Ruth Negga (Loving) is 39. Actor Alexander Gould (Weeds, Finding Nemo) is 30. Country singer RaeLynn is 30. Actress Amara Miller (The Descendants) is 30. Actor Brooklynn Prince (Cocaine Bear, The Florida Project). ) at 14.




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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