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Dennis Quaid says Hollywood has 'lost its way'

Dennis Quaid says Hollywood has 'lost its way'


    Mucho Mas Media/Bonniedale Entertainment
Mucho Mas Media/Bonniedale Entertainment

After several decades in the film industry, Dennis Quaid has seen firsthand how out of touch Hollywood can be with what audiences want to see on screen.

“Sometimes I feel like Hollywood has lost its way a little,” the 70-year-old actor told The Christian Post.

He hopes his new film, “The Long Game,” a true story that seeks to inspire, uplift and remind audiences of the enduring strength of the human spirit, will counteract some of the negative content emerging from Hollywood.

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“I want to see films that educate the heart and speak to the heart, where you feel that common connection with the film and with others. That's what 'The Long Game' does,” he said. declared.

Inspired by the book by Humberto G. Garcia Mustang Miracle, “The Long Game” explores the remarkable journey of five Mexican-American high school students, Joe Trevio, Gene Vasquez, Felipe Romero, Mario Lomas and Lupe Felan, who defied the odds in the 1950s by building their own golf course after being banned from playing in a club. all-white Texas country club.

The students, who were part of the San Felipe Mustangs, became state champions and, in 2012, were inducted into the Latin American International Sports Hall of Fame.

“Lee Trevio was one of the first Latino golfers on the PGA Tour in the late '50s and early '60s, and this is his story,” Quaid said. “He grew up in that era and had to fight against a lot of discrimination. But he transcended it; his talent was undeniable. It is often through sport that different cultures truly achieve the American dream.”

“Suicide Squad” star Jay Hernandez plays Pea and “9-1-1: Lone Star” actor Julian Works plays Trevio. Quaid plays country club member and World War II veteran Frank Mitchell, who helps the golf team succeed. Although he struggles with his own demons, including a drinking problem, Mitchell finds his own purpose, deeply inspired by the dedication and resilience of the five young golfers.

“He’s really impressed with these five kids, their dedication and how far they’re willing to go to make their dream come true,” he said. “I am the white face that becomes [Hernandez] in these golf tournaments, and a poetic justice emerges. »

For Quaid, a Texas native, the story serves as a poignant reminder of the social climate of the 1950s, with segregated bathrooms, water fountains and sections of theater based on race.

“I remember that time growing up in Texas,” he said. “There were separate bathrooms, separate fountains, and people of color sat on the balcony of the theater with a separate concession stand. I remember as a kid being like, 'This is weird. Why is that?’ It’s a story that reminds us of where we were and who we were as a nation back then, how far we’ve come, where we are now and where we go from here.”

Rated PG, “The Long Game” premiered at the South by Southwest Film Festival in March 2023, where it won the Narrative Spotlight Audience Award. The film was released in theaters nationwide earlier this month.

The film was directed by Julio Quintana and released by Mucho Mas Media and Bonniedale Entertainment, Quaid's production company named after his mother.

“We wanted to make films that were inspiring and ambitious, about underdogs and American dreams, and this matched our expectations,” he said. “After having watched [this movie]I want people to have fun, to make their hearts feel good, to feel better about themselves and about this great country of ours.

In recent years, Quaid has appeared in several inspirational sports dramas, including Netflix's 2021 true story sports drama “Blue Miracle”, also directed by Quintana. Most recently, he starred in the sports film “The Hill”, based on a true story, which won the number one spot in the world rankings. 1 place on Netflix in January even though it only grossed $7.6 million at the box office.

Quaid recently released a gospel album, Fallen: A Gospel Story for Sinners, which he told CP illustrates his desire to bridge the gap between the sacred and the profane. Later this year, he will appear in “Reagan,” the first feature film about the 40th president of the United States.

The actor previously told CP that he was seeing a “hunger” for positive and uplifting films.

“I was actually quite surprised by that,” he said. “Hollywood doesn't understand its audience anymore. People want to go to the movies to feel things and can't just ignore the mind, and people crave that. And so these stories are really big these days -this.”

Quaid said he was also pleasantly surprised by Hollywood's receptiveness when he shared his own spiritual journey and bumpy road to redemption, proving, he said, that a “spiritual awakening” was happening.

“I think there is a spiritual awakening in our country right now,” he said. “There's been a lot of unrest, and that's what spiritual awakenings are like because of what it takes to get there. I think we're just at the beginning.”




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