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A Louisiana reader faces tsundoku: Danny Heitman | Entertainment/Life

A Louisiana reader faces tsundoku: Danny Heitman |  Entertainment/Life


Thanks to the Internet, which always teaches me new things, I learned a new word this month. This is tsundoku, a Japanese term for the habit of piling up reading material without giving yourself time to read it.

What a beautiful word, and so meaningful to me as it points to my own pile of unread books. I can see the pile right now as I write this, hoping that the tall column of volumes won't collapse, like a literary Tower of Babel, onto the keyboard before I finish this sentence. I won't walk you through this backlog of books waiting for my attention, title by title. I will only say that it is varied, ranging from selected letters of the 18th century Englishman Horace Walpole to Tish Harrison Warren's Liturgy of the Ordinary to John McPhe's Tabula Rasa.

Is tsundoku particularly bad in Louisiana, where many of us tend to live in one place for a long time? Moving can tempt you to downsize libraries, and I tend to think that living at the same address for three decades, as I have, is a temptation to keep too much.

One of a packrat's big dodges, of course, is to point out someone else who's accumulating even more than you. In that spirit, I'll mention Jill Lepore, a Harvard history professor and New Yorker editor whose personal library is overflowing. When I Googled it the other day, my new vocabulary item, tsundoku, quickly came to mind. A photo of Lepore in The Harvard Crimson reveals a workplace where books overflow from their shelves and colonize every surface, the entire room a republic of words.

All of this made me wonder if a truly full life is inevitably that way, as insistent in its fullness as a river spilling its banks. I'm thinking about Lepore these days because I've been reading The Deadline, his new collection of essays. The essays are as varied as her intellect, which ranges from Rachel Carson to presidential politics to the trials and ecstasies of motherhood. Its title, The Deadline, highlights the basic reality of a writer's life, which is that no matter how great your ideas are, they will rarely reach an audience if you can't deliver them on time.

That's probably the best thing about these essays: they meet the reader at street level, always grounding themselves in the tangible, the essential, the real. There's a lovely essay about Lepore's mother, who carried an easel and paintbrushes in her car just in case she spotted something worth painting while shopping. I have never known anyone better prepared to encounter beauty, writes Lepore.

Lepores's essays are also open to possibilities, even when dealing with difficult topics. Even though it's time for me to purge my book pile, I suspect The Deadline will be a keeper.

Email Danny Heitman at [email protected].




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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