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Bollywood Newswrap, May 6: Kareena Kapoor Khan's Poo reaction to Ibrahim Ali Khan's photos with Charles Leclerc; Arshad Warsi gives update on Munna Bhai 3

Bollywood Newswrap, May 6: Kareena Kapoor Khan's Poo reaction to Ibrahim Ali Khan's photos with Charles Leclerc;  Arshad Warsi gives update on Munna Bhai 3


On the sixth day of May 2024, we have been filled with lots of news from the Bollywood industry. Kareena Kapoor Khan won hearts by praising Ibrahim Ali Khan's photos with Charles Leclerc in his Poo style to Arshad Warsi who spoke about the possibility of Munna Bhai 3; several news stories made headlines today.

If you missed any, revisit today's top Bollywood news that made it to the Top section.

Here are the top 5 Bollywood news for May 6, 2024

1.Kareena Kapoor Khan reacts as Ibrahim Ali Khan poses with Charles Leclerc at the Miami F1 Grand Prix

Ibrahim Ali Khan posted a series of photos from his experience at the Miami Grand Prix. He posed with Ferrari driver Charles Leclerc and shared a candid moment with him. Reacting to her post, Kareena Kapoor Khan used her character Poo's iconic dialogue from Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham and wrote: Tumhara koi haq nahin banta ke tum itne beautiful lago.

2. Arshad Warsi on Munna Bhai 3

In an interview with Mid-Day, Arshad Warsi was asked about the possibility of Munna Bhai 3. The actor said that Vidhu Vinod Chopra wanted to do it and Rajkumar Hirani also wanted it to be made. “Sanjay Bhai also wants to do it, and I will too. But the film is not made yet,” he shared.

“Now a lot of time has passed. I told Raju that everything that begins also has an end. Looks like we have left the Munna Bhai film franchise at regular intervals. Everyone is impatient because this n “It's not over yet. The Munna Bhai series has to end,” Arshad added.

3. Priyanka Chopra talks about her daughter Malti Marie Chopra Jonas

Speaking to India Today, Priyanka Chopra opened up about her motherhood phase and how she is applying the advice that her mother, Madhu Chopra, gave her. She shared: I think children are not born to us; they were born through us to have their own lives. And that's how my parents raised me and how my mother raised me. And you know, she always said I'm your safe space. That's what I want to be for Malti, her safe space, and let her do what she wants.

4.Ranbir Kapoor receives a special gift from his fan

In the video on Instagram, a female fan can be seen coming up to Ranbir Kapoor and handing him a large portrait of his daughter, Raha Kapoor. They also posed with the gift.

5.Abhishek Bachchan joins Housefull 5

In a statement to the media, Abhishek Bachchan called Housefull one of his favorite comedy franchises and said it felt like coming home. He added: “It has always been a great pleasure to work with Sajid Nadiadwala. I look forward to having fun on the sets with my fellow actors, Akshay and Riteish.”

Stay tuned to Pinkvilla for all the latest Bollywood news!

READ ALSO : Arshad Warsi opens up on the third installment of the Munna Bhai franchise; says “the series must end”




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