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Re-Fashioned Fasion Show Previews Creative Fashion Network UI

Re-Fashioned Fasion Show Previews Creative Fashion Network UI


At the Siebel Center for Design on Saturday, tThe school of art and design hosted the remodeled fashion show, smodels and designers who were ready to display the creations they worked on throughout the semester. With over 30 looks strutting down the catwalk, the event gave observers the opportunity to delve into the hidden world of University fashion.

Kiera Oliva-VanDeWalle, a sophomore at FAA and featured designer, began designing at a young age and had three looks that walked the runway.

When I was younger, I was really drawn to clothes and how things were perceived by people, Oliva-VanDeWalle said. My aunt taught me to sew not clothes, but pillowcases or a simple dress.

Oliva-VanDeWalle hasn't shied away from incorporating unique elements into her designs. Tasked with creating a look that incorporated unconventional elements, Oliva-VanDeWalle created a look based on her previous makeup.

I made the belt out of old makeup and tools, and ended up painting pieces of cardboard, and the train was made from dryer sheets that I sewed together, Oliva-VanDeWalle said. I splattered and went crazy with paint, so it looked like splattered makeup. The dress itself was made from plastic bags.

Another designer was Tien Tran, a senior at the FAA, who focused on integrating the concept of emotion into his design.

“I chose anxiety at first, which is why I played on the pants-watering theme,” Tran said.

The Trans design consisted of lightweight denim jeans with thick white threads woven to create the image of waves and water.

Ahead, there's a tidal wave that feels like a feeling of anxiety bearing down on you and crashing down, Tran said. On the back, the design represents the growing wave.

Tran was not only a star designer, but he was also a model. As he modeled his own creation for the first time, the experience offered a new perspective for Tran.

I was a little nervous because I had never walked before, but it's so different being in both shoes now, Tran said. This is a very interesting perspective.

Designers had the option to model their own pieces or have other people model them. Sophie Hartzheim, a sophomore at LAS, and Cam Moraska, a junior at FAA, were chosen by their designer to model the looks.

Walking is always a great, fun experience, it's just a fun thing to do, Moraska said. I love it, I love being able to wear people's expressions and designs.

Models are offered a new perspective on fashion as they discover what it means to be a conduit for the designer's art.

Models showcase this art and have the privilege of presenting it in a way that does it justice, Hartzheim said. You can see how much work people put into things, even down to the hair and makeup which in itself is artistry.

The Re-Fashioned fashion show brought together friends and family to come and support the work of designers.

My daughter was one of the models and I had a few friends who were also models, but I also wanted to see the whole production, said event attendee Margaret Etienne. I've heard so much about it and it's been going on for years, and this is the first time I've been able to come.

Spectators were able to observe what the new generation has in store for the fashion industry.

It was my first time at this show and it was really impressive. said fashion show attendee Cynthia Folan.

The exhibition is held every year to celebrate and showcase the work being done by new age artists and designers. The Re-Fashioned Fashion Show brings together a variety of designers, models and spectators to appreciate the art of fashion.

It's great to see a group of people come together to create something fun that feels so cohesive, but there are so many different pieces of work, Hartzheim said.

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