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Ranveer Singh to Alia Bhatt, Here's Which Bollywood Celebrity Would Be Reinvented as Ryan Renolds, Blake Livelys IF Characters

Ranveer Singh to Alia Bhatt, Here's Which Bollywood Celebrity Would Be Reinvented as Ryan Renolds, Blake Livelys IF Characters


In the original version of IF, the film stars Ryan Reynolds, Blake Lively and a myriad of talented actors. But if this enchanting tale were to be reimagined with Bollywood characters, here is who I think would make the perfect cast for the film.

Here's who would play the characters in the Indian version

1. Ranveer Singh as Ryan Reynolds

Ranveer Singh's dynamic energy, magnetic humor and endearing personality make him an ideal choice for the character of Cal. Additionally, his past portrayal of characters like Deadpool showcases his versatility and ability to bring depth to unconventional roles.

2. Alia Bhatt as Blake Lively (Octopuss)

Blake Lively plays Octopuss in the film, a feline character who identifies as an octopus, donning an octopus outfit on a daily basis. Alia Bhatt, with her unique blend of innocence and vivacity, would light up the screen with her portrayal of this character, infusing it with charm and energy.

3. Akshay Kumar as Steve Carell (Blue)

Steve Carell is the perfect choice to play Blue, an imaginary friend who notably appears purple. Carell's ability to portray larger-than-life characters, eliciting both laughter and tears, makes him a perfect candidate for the role. In an Indian adaptation, Akshay Kumar would excel in balancing the character's warmth and humor, making him the prime contender to bring Blue to life on screen.

4. Tabu as Phoebe Waller (Blossom)

Phoebe Waller's voice brings Blossom to life, a stunning butterfly who dances ballet and has a calm, cool demeanor, making her the most level-headed imaginary friend. In an Indian adaptation, Tabus' grace, elegance and acting prowess make her the ideal choice to play Blossom. Tabus' ability to convey depth and balance in his performance would beautifully capture the essence of this character, adding depth and authenticity to the role.

5. Kiara Advani as Emily Blunt (The Unicorn)

Kiara Advani's cheerful and cute personality aligns perfectly with the whimsical and magical nature of the film's imaginary unicorn friend. Her infectious energy and charm would give the character a delightful and endearing quality, adding a touch of joy and warmth to every scene. Advani's ability to captivate audiences with her charisma and presence makes her a great choice to play the IF unicorn.

6. Farhan Akhtar as Bradley Cooper (Ice)

Bradley Cooper lends his voice to an ice cube in a half-filled glass of water, providing a unique and refreshing perspective. In the Hindi adaptation, Farhan Akhtar's cool and laid back personality makes him an ideal choice to bring this animated character to life. With his natural charm and natural charisma, Akhtar would add a refreshing touch to the character, infusing it with his signature style and wit, making it resonate with the audience in a whole new way.

7. Anil Kapoor as Christopher Meloni (Cosmo)

Christopher Meloni's deep voice and signature style bring Cosmo, the Cold War IF super-spy, to life with unprecedented charisma. For the Hindi adaptation, Anil Kapoor, known for his iconic roles and magnetic presence, is the perfect choice to play this character. With his captivating voice and larger-than-life personality, Kapoor would infuse Cosmo with a new level of depth and intrigue, making him a standout character in the film.

8. Khushi Kapoor as Cailey Fleming (Bea)

Cailey Fleming wonderfully plays Bea, a young girl on a magical journey to reunite forgotten imaginary friends (IFs) with their children. For the Hindi adaptation, Khushi Kapoor would be a great choice to play Bea, capturing her innate innocence, curiosity and determination with authenticity. Kapoor's potential to portray Bea's character arc and emotional depth would resonate strongly with audiences, bringing a new perspective to the role and enriching the film's narrative.

9. Amy Schumer as Anushka Sharma (Gummy Bear)

Anushka Sharma is making her comeback on the big screen! And if SI were to be made in India, who better than Anushka to grace us with her adorable, witty and charming personality, even if it's just through her voice? After all, his voice alone has the power to light up the screen and set hearts racing, making every moment of IF a delightful experience!

IF seems like such a cute and exciting adventure that will surely captivate audiences of all ages. The movie comes out on May 17, 2024 and I'm super excited to watch it!




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