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The World's Richest Actor Is Worth $3 Billion, But Most People Have Never Heard Of Him

The World's Richest Actor Is Worth $3 Billion, But Most People Have Never Heard Of Him


The World's Richest Actor Is Worth $3 Billion, But Most People Have Never Heard Of Him

Featured image credit: Allen Berezovsky/Getty Images / Bob Riha Jr/Getty Images

She has more money than George Clooney.

Money and fame are things we see as directly related, and it can even bring to mind famous people.

George Clooney, Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, the list goes on.

But there's one person who's even richer than Tom Cruise and Julia Roberts and you've probably never heard of her.

Indeed, the world's richest actress has been inactive in the industry for many years, with only a few stints since she went silent.

Jami Gertz is little known to many people.  Bob Riha, Jr./Getty Images

Jami Gertz is little known to many people. Bob Riha, Jr./Getty Images

If you don't already know who we're talking about, it's The Lost Boys actor Jami Gertz who has an insane net worth of $3 billion in 2023.

You may be wondering who is she?, but she has been right under your nose for years.

Someone online had to look her up because they couldn't find her name or face: I go to Google first because it gives, I don't know who this person is.

Another wanted to know where she had been since leaving the Hollywood sign behind: How come I barely see Jami Gertz in the movies? Was she successful through her acting career or does she have other income?


Although his credits include films like Tornado (I loved him for that), Seinfeld, modern family And It's us, Gertz decided to broaden her horizons since she was in the spotlight since 1981.

I mean, she did a little stint in 2022 in I want you to come back, but she has been mostly out of the public eye for years. Obviously, by building his enormous wealth.

She has enormous wealth, unrelated to her acting gigs.  Bob Riha Jr/Getty Images

She has enormous wealth, unrelated to her acting gigs. Bob Riha Jr/Getty Images

In fact, she and her husband are co-owners of the NBA team, the Atlanta Hawks, and minority owners of the Milwaukee Beavers.

Their investments have really paid off and to be honest, get your bag ready, girl!

However, haters decided that Gertz married into money after marrying billionaire investor Tony Ressler.

But the couple's only goal is not to make money. They're actually quite charitable.

In 2012, the Giving Back Fund named Gertz and her husband as the top charitable donor after a record $10 million gift to the Ressler-Gertz Foundation, which focuses on arts, education, health and organizations Jews.

So while the couple created a great fund to fall back on and live life to the fullest, they also earned it by donating so much money to great causes of the past and present.

Do you know another celebrity who gives so much? I'll wait.

Topics: Money, Celebrity, Film and Television




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