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The Circle Crowns Another Catfish Did the right candidate win? | Entertainment

The Circle Crowns Another Catfish Did the right candidate win?  |  Entertainment


For only the second time in the show's history, a catfish contestant won The circle. This time it was Brandon Baker, who played the role of Olivia, a variation of his real colleague, throughout the race of the competition on social networks and emerged victorious.

Although Brandon as Olivia started off with some serious doubters, including season 6 instant favorite Myles, who wasn't sold on the blas character, he made some very smart moves until the very end.

Some of the stars aligned like pure kismet and the fact that Olivia became Myles ride or die was just a matter of math, but even then, Brandon played it right by giving Myles his word and honoring him where it mattered. If Myles had a question mark in Olivia's profile picture before this, it was completely gone after the ride or die challenge.

Soon after, Brandon's alter ego won everyone over with this cute nurse's uniform photo and practically became a fourth member of the Tres Fuegos alliance after pretending to flirt with Kyle (who, although married in real life, was willing to have a fake mance). For now). Somehow, Olivia also remained in Lauren's good graces, Jordan, And QT too, all this time. Deep down, Olivia had no enemies and even if Olivia Also did not have a number one, according to the ranking provided.

This is why Brandon's character was voted the newest super secret influencer and given the choice to eliminate Olivia's biggest competitor. It may have been a betrayal, but it was a blow that could not not be caught, so Myles was ousted.

With Myles out, the Tres Fuegos alliance was down to two, and with Jordan arguing with them and QT, and Lauren being completely sidelined again, no one stood in Olivia's way to the finish line . Kyle deservedly placed second, which is no surprise; he could have easily won it if Myles had stayed in the competition, where Myles could have been his biggest threat. But Brandon played Olivia's cards perfectly and walked away with the $100,000 prize after shocking everyone with his real face, of course.

So, fans, what do you think? The circle Winner of season 6? Did the candidate make the right choice with Brandon aka Olivia, or was it a huge mistake on his part? Hit the comments below to let us know!

The circleall episodes streaming, Netflix

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