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Not Bollywood, it's Chhole-bhature and unconditional love that attracts Brian Lara to India

Not Bollywood, it's Chhole-bhature and unconditional love that attracts Brian Lara to India


IMAGE: The legendary Brian Lara has spoken about his love for India. Photography: BCCI

A smiling face at every corner, adulation that reminds him of family and to top it all off, a spicy and delicious plate of 'chhole bhature'.

West Indies cricket great Brian Lara loves India and for a change, Bollywood has nothing to do with it.

The 55-year-old, who is in the country to commentate on Star Sports in the ongoing IPL, took time out to visit the PTI headquarters for a free-wheeling interaction with its editors and made no secret of his affection for the country where cricket is an obsession.

“I'm not a big fan of Bollywood. I come from a predominantly Indian country… So there's a lot of interest in Bollywood. I'm not even a fan of English cinema. So unfortunately… . Harry Potter and those things, I haven't really seen,” he joked with a wide smile on his face, starting the charm offensive.

“But what I love about India is the unconditional love,” he quickly added.

Arguably one of the greatest batters of all time and one of the most recognizable cricketers internationally, Lara said what makes his love for India enduring is the warmth with which he is received here.

“I think when you come to India, the way you're treated, you know, and when you turn a corner, there's a smile on someone's face just seeing you. I think it “It's something refreshing and you know it's also very positive,” he said.

“It has a positive effect on me being in India, being loved in a foreign country and how they… Walking in Miami on South Beach, everyone pushes you aside.

“But in India it’s a completely different story, everyone pushes you,” he said while trying to explain what makes India so special to him.

“So I think from someone who started playing this game for the adulation of my father and my siblings, to the adulation in India, it's something that I love , but it is also the serenity of the people,” he added.

However, not all of his experiences in India were pleasant. Lara has no qualms admitting that the way his coaching stint with Sunrisers Hyderabad ended was pretty 'bad', but the West Indies icon still picked him as one of his favorites to qualify for the knockout stages of the IPL this year.

His other three choices are Rajasthan Royals, Kolkata Knight Riders and Chennai Super Kings.

“…I have to be very clear because sometimes people think your relationship with SRH was so bad, but I would like to see SRH succeed. I think it's a continuation of something,” Lara said.

Coming back to 'chhole bhature', Lara said the popular North Indian street meal is very similar to something he is used to eating at home.

“I love it and it's very close to a dish in Trinidad called Doubles. Yeah, so look it up, Trinidad Doubles and look at chhole bhature and it's something very, very similar,” he said. -he said, referring to a popular at-home breakfast option.

“And I can tell you that when the Indian players come to Trinidad, they have our doubles, they love it,” he revealed.

Coaching rather than commentary

Lara is currently enjoying her time as a commentator, but it is not without its fair share of challenges.

“One of the challenges I have is getting excited and creating excitement for the crowd when I think something average has happened,” he said quite frankly.

“So a guy plays a big drive and it’s inside for four and I have to be excited for that, it’s a little tough,” he explained.

But there are also moments that he appreciates.

“But being part of the IPL and being part of a cricket match and saying, for example, when Shamar Joseph picked up those seven wickets in that Test match in Australia, and being able to call that period is exciting in itself “, he recalls, referring to the seven wickets blown by Joseph while bowling with a broken toe.

What he really wants to do, however, is coach young players.

“You know, my number one experience, I think, is coaching. I think working with young players and seeing them grow is wonderful…I don't like to be too critical of players and I like keep my opinion behind closed doors sometimes, so it’s a learning experience for me as a commentator,” he said.




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