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Glen Powell and Anthony Mackie to star in Monsanto legal drama

Glen Powell and Anthony Mackie to star in Monsanto legal drama


Glen Powell's new star power continues to fuel film projects.

THE Anyone but you actor will lead a cast including headliners Anthony Mackie and Laura Dern Monsantoa legal drama from writer-director John Lee Hancock.

Rocket Science, the company that played an integral role in financing and producing films such as In the west, nothing is new And Ricky Stanicky, will launch its international sales at the Cannes Film Market later this month. CAA Media Finance manages national rights.

Adam McKay and Kevin Messick produce through their HyperObject Industries banner. Moritz Borman, Eric Kopeloff, Philip Schulz-Deyle and Jon Levin also produce.

According to the producers, Monsanto tells the true story of untold young lawyer Brent Wisner (Powell), who takes on a seemingly insurmountable case against American chemical giant Monsanto on behalf of Dewayne “Lee” Johnson (Mackie). Johnson used the company's best-known product, Roundup, a financially successful weed and grass pesticide, in his job as a high school groundskeeper and now suffers from illnesses.

Dern will play Monsanto's chief toxicologist who, of course, will testify that the product is safe.

“These days, stories of 'little guys' taking on huge institutions seem rare, both in real life and on the big screen,” McKay said in a statement. “So when a story as captivating and inspiring as this appears on our desks, we are excited. For what? Because people love and need these films. They always have and always will. Erin Brockovitch, Silkwood, It's a wonderful life, Projector, 12 angry men, silver ball, Norma Rae…I legitimately think I can list 200 much-loved and blockbuster films about real people battling overwhelming odds with only fairness and truth on their side. So, let's create number 201.”

Powell is on a roll with few modern parallels. Although he appeared in many films such as Hidden characters, everyone wants them And Top Gun: Maverickit's thanks to a breakthrough in Sony's romantic comedy Anyone but you this made him one of the most sought after men in Hollywood. He will next be seen in Netflix's Breezy Hitmanwhich he produced and co-wrote with director Richard Linklater, and will then continue the tornadoes in Universal's Twists. He's filming a dark revenge drama Huntington in South Africa this spring.

Mackie is best known for playing the role of Sam Wilson/The Falcon in the Marvel films. Captain America: The Winter Soldier And Avengers: Endgame. He dons the starry shield Captain America: Brave New Worldcurrently scheduled for release in February 2025. Mackie also recently starred in an action comedy Twisted metal which aired on Peacock.

Dern appeared in recent years in the Noah Baumbach film Marriage storythat of Greta Gerwig Little woman and HBO hit Big little lies. She recently served as executive producer and starred in Royal Palm for Apple TV+.

Hancock's recent works include A True Disney Story Saving Mr. BanksAnd Highwaymen with Kevin Costner and Woody Harrelson. He is also known for his football dramas The blind side.

Powell is replaced by CAA and Johnson Shapiro. Mackie is repped by UTA and Inspire Entertainment while Dern is repped by CAA, Untitled Entertainment and Johnson Shapiro. Hancock is repped by CAA, LBI Entertainment and Del Shaw.




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