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Bollywood Roundup: Sobhita Dhulipala, Manoj Bajpayee, Arti Singh and more…

Bollywood Roundup: Sobhita Dhulipala, Manoj Bajpayee, Arti Singh and more…


Sobhita Dhulipala to walk Cannes red carpet, says it would be exciting and symbolic

Mumbai – Actress Sobhita Dhulipala will be seen walking the red carpet at the 77th Cannes Film Festival on the French Riviera, representing premium ice cream brand Magnum India.

Sobhita said, “Taking my journey with Magnum a notch higher with the Cannes Film Festival is both exciting and symbolic of my relationship with the brand, where we move forward while creating colorful memories.

This experience allows me to create these moments of pleasure, because this association is a perfect blend of fashion, cinema and flavors.

Apart from Sobhita's captivating appearance on the carpet, she will attend the exclusive party and trade show of the ice cream brand with famous names like Troye Sivan and Mura Masa.

“The partnership with Sobhita for this year’s Cannes Film Festival embodies everything that Magnum Ice Cream stands for: sophistication, boldness and the thrill of indulgence,” said Shiva Krishnamurthy, Executive Director, HUL – Foods & Refreshment .

Manoj Bajpayee speaks for the people of Bihar: give us respect, don't make fun

Mumbai– Manoj Bajpayeewho hails from Bihar, opened up in a media interaction on Thursday about how people from his state, UP and “even Chhattisgarh” have been treated with contempt elsewhere in the country.

The actor explained that some people still have a stereotypical view of their counterparts from Bihar, whom they consider to be less intelligent. Without mincing words, he said that those who have a regional mentality only reveal their narrowness and it shows that something is wrong with them.

The actor was speaking at the trailer launch of his film 'Bhaiyya Ji' when he was asked if the film's tagline, 'Bhaiyya nahi, Bhaiyya ji kaho', had any subtext.

Pulling the journalist's leg, Manoj said, “Kuch na kuch vivaad toh hona hi chaahiye, hai na (We must have some argument or the other, right)?” You see, whenever someone says something negative to you about your background or ethnicity, it means the problem is with the other person, not you.

He added, “A sane person will never make negative remarks about your caste, religion or the region you come from. »

He said the message of the film is that people of UP and Bihar are also humans and deserve respect.

“Mazaak mat udaao izzat do, aadar do, people from UP, Bihar and even Chhattisgarh are called 'Bhaiyya' jokingly, which shouldn't be the case,” the actor noted.

Arti Singh gives a glimpse of her 'bridal shower'; recalls the words of his sister-in-law Kashmera

Mumbai – The new bride in town, actress Arti Singh on Thursday, shared a glimpse of her bridal shower hosted by her sister-in-law Kashmera Shah, recalling the sweet memories of her precious day.

Arti, who recently got married to a businessman Dipak Chauhantook to Instagram and posted a series of photos, in which she can be seen wearing a short blue one-shoulder dress and paired with black heels.

She went very glamorous with her makeup and kept her short hair open.

The 'Bigg Boss 13' celebrity poses with a placard reading 'Kiss the Miss'.

The post is captioned as, “Bridal shower…thank you @kashmeral for this lovely and lovely bridal shower. To love me and assist each person. All my friends who came to give them so much love and attention. And I also won't forget when you hugged me in Vidai and told me I wouldn't cry because you had such an amazing guy. You will always be happy and happy more than ever.

Arti is the niece of Bollywood actor Govinda and sister of comedian Krushna Abhishek, who is married to actress Kashmera.

Meanwhile, Arti is currently seen in the show 'Shravani'.

Drawing and writing relaxes Parinita Seth amidst her busy shooting schedule

Mumbai – Actress Parinita Seth found solace and rejuvenation through the calming mediums of drawing and writing while filming.

Parinita, who plays Gargi Mahajan in the series 'Vanshaj', is finding respite in her personal artistic pursuits amidst a busy shooting schedule.

For her, the process of drawing provides a therapeutic escape from the intensity of her on-screen character, allowing her to recharge and reconnect with her inner self. Whenever she has a break between filming, Parinita often finds herself with pen and paper, drawing, doodling or writing, as she believes in having multiple outlets for creativity .

Talking about it, she said, “We all moved to Umergaon for the shooting of 'Vanshaj', away from our families, so we often find ways to keep ourselves busy. I always loved drawing and would often find myself scribbling something or other on the board.

“It allows me to relax while filming. Recently, I have also taken up writing, as I aspire to become a writer one day. Both of these activities give me a creative respite and I think it is very important to balance your work and personal passions as they keep you sane,” she added.

“Vanshaj” airs on Sony SAB.

Arjun Kapoor gives insight into his filming life on the set of Singham Again

Mumbai – Actor Arjun Kapoor shared a glimpse into her busy schedule by posting a picture of her 'filming life' from the sets of 'Singham Again'.

Arjun took to Instagram stories and shared a photo of his van.

The actor took a mirror selfie and is seen shirtless in the photo.

The image also gives a glimpse of the perfume he uses and a cup of coffee.

The actor captioned it: Shoot for life!! #Singhamagain.

In the upcoming film, which stars Ajay Devgn and Deepika Padukone, the actor will essay the role of an antagonist in director Rohit Shetty's film.

The film, which also stars Kareena Kapoor Khan, Akshay Kumar and Ranveer Singh, is the fifth installment of Rohit Shetty's Cop Universe.

Rashmika Mandanna will now be seen with Salman Khan in Sikandar

Mumbai – Actress Rashmika Mandannawho is currently living a dream journey in the cinema, will play the female lead in the next film. Salman Khan-with the film “Sikandar”.

This is the first collaboration between Salman and Rashmika.

'Sikandar' is directed by AR Murugadoss, known for films like 'Ghajini' and 'Holiday: A Soldier Is Never Off Duty'.

On Thursday, the makers of the film announced that Rashmika will be joining the cast.

They posted on X: Welcoming the fabulous @rashmika_mandanna to star alongside @beingsalmankhan in #Sikandar! I can’t wait for their on-screen magic to unfold during EID 2025! #SajidNadiadwalas #Sikandar Directed by @armurugadoss Theatrical release EID 2025.”

The film is produced by Sajid Nadiadwala of Nadiadwala Grandson Entertainment, marking Salman's reunion with Sajid after 2014's 'Kick'.

The film, currently in pre-production, will hit the theaters soon and is scheduled to release on Eid 2025.

Meanwhile, Rashmika, who last appeared in the blockbuster Animal alongside Ranbir Kapoor, also stars in Allu Arjun's Pushpa 2: The Rule in which she will reprise her role as Srivalli.

Ali Fazal on how humbling it is to work with Kamal Haasan and Mani Ratnam

Mumbai – Actor Ali Fazalwho made his debut in the South Indian film industry with Mani Ratnam “Thug Life” with Kamal Haasansaid working with two stalwarts of Indian cinema was a humbling experience for him.

Ali said: “I’m really excited to be a part of Mani’s vision for ‘Thug Life’. I hope to bring something important to this canvas. It is an honor to collaborate with Kamal Haasan and exchange ideas with him.

“Working with two pillars of Indian cinema is a humbling experience. I am deeply grateful to Mani for entrusting me with this role and can't wait to bring it to life on screen.

The film will be shot by Ravi K. Chandran and music will be composed by the legendary AR Rahman. Details about Ali's character are being kept under wraps.

The production of “Thug Life” has officially started in New Delhi. (IANS)




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What Are The Main Benefits Of Comparing Car Insurance Quotes Online

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