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Inside the life of Emmerdale actor Lewis Cope Nicky away from the Dales | Soaps

Inside the life of Emmerdale actor Lewis Cope Nicky away from the Dales |  Soaps


Editorial use only Mandatory Credit: Photo by Ken McKay/ITV/Shutterstock (14470380k) Lewis Cope 'Lorraine' TV show, London, UK - 09 May 2024

Lewis has been on the show since 2022 (Credits: Ken McKay/ITV/Shutterstock)

From Nicky Miligan (Lewis Cope) arrived in Emmerdale in 2022, he made a lot of noise in the eponymous village and caught the attention of fans of the ITV soap opera.

From his interest in Gabby Thomas (Rosie Bentham) to suspicions of a secret identity, everything came to light when it was revealed that Nicky was, in fact, the son of Caleb Miligan (William Ash), with the two teaming up to take down Kim Tate (Claire King).

Caleb had his own secret, being the son of Kim's ex-husband, Frank, and he had dragged his son into his schemes to get his hands on Home Farm!

In another twist, Nicky was unable to follow through on his plans to marry Gabby, coming clean to her and revealing that he was in fact gay and in a secret relationship.

Since then, we've seen him and his new boyfriend Suni Sharma (Brahmdeo Shannon Ramana) caught up in a horrific homophobic attack outside a nightclub, something that's resurfacing this week.

Suni phones to tell him he's in danger again, and as Nicky and Ethan Anderson (Emile John) rush to his aid, they find themselves involved in a catastrophic car accident.

With so much drama surrounding the character, fans are naturally curious about the actor who plays him.

So let's turn our attention to Lewis Cope and find out a little more about the Emmerdale star's life and relationships.

Who is Lewis Cope?

Lewis Cope, 29, is an English actor from Hartlepool who has played Nicky Milligan in Emmerdale since December 2022.

In the past he has appeared in the BBC daytime soap Doctors and the ITV drama series Vera, filmed in his home region of the North East.

He however began his career on stage after starting dancing at a young age, appearing as one of the leads in Billy Elliot: The Musical on the West End when he was just 11 years old.

Avid fans may also recognize Lewis from David Beckham's Bold Instinct perfume ad, after Lewis' story caught the attention of the football superstar.

Nicky speaks to his mother Ruby in Emmerdale

His wayward mother Ruby has caused some trouble in the village (Picture: ITV)

Lewis spoke about his family life during an appearance on ITV's Lorraine, and how he has lots of brothers and sisters that we think about a lot.

Lorraine asked Because everyone is very friendly and it's a family, a big family. You're used to that. How many brothers and sisters do you have ?

So I'm one of the 14, he replied, much to Lorraine's surprise.

She exclaimed: 14! Damn, what does Christmas look like at your house? to which he replied: Lovely, yeah. I love it!

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During his casting, he said Luxury Magazine: It's very surreal. My grandmother loves Emmerdale, she has watched it religiously for as long as I can remember. To now be a part of the shows she loves so much is incredible.

Does Lewis Cope have a girlfriend?

Lewis does indeed have a girlfriend, fellow actress and fitness instructor Rachel Lopez, with the pair often pictured together on top of each other. Instagram.

Lopez is originally from Dublin and is spending time in her hometown over Christmas 2022.

At the time, Lewis wrote: 6 years of Dublin at Christmas with you I wouldn't have it any other way

Other snaps include plenty of envious photos of sunny getaways to the Greek islands of Mykonos and Naxos, with one photo of the couple sweetly saying thank you for being you.

Will Nicky die in Emmerdale car crash?

Nicky is unconscious in his car after an accident in Emmerdale

His life will be at stake (Picture: ITV)

When Suni recognizes one of his attackers in the bar he is in, he reaches out to Nicky who is with Ethan at The Hide.

In an act of desperation, Nicky decides to get behind the wheel and drive there, but Ethan approaches and says he's too drunk, so he'll drive instead.

As they leave to save Suni, Ethan sees a police car. He turns around, too afraid of being overtaken. However, as Nicky struggles to get through to Suni on the phone, Ethan loses control of the car and they crash.

Afterward, when Ethan returns, he carefully removes Nicky from the car.

He then chooses to hide after spotting an approaching car.

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As Moira Dingle (Natalie J Robb) discovers Nicky unconscious, Ethan watches everything unfold then chooses to run away.

In an interview with Lorraine Kelly on her eponymous ITV daytime show on Thursday May 9, the two discussed the storyline.

Well, we don't want to give anything away because Emmerdale is on tonight at half past seven, but I just hope you're still with us because we know the car crash is going to be bad, she said. request.

Lewis chirped, with a cheeky smile, and added: Maybe I'm dead.

Lorraine was devastated and replied: No, don't say that! Don't say that, don't say that. Well, everyone looks anyway!

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