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Andy Cohen's 'WWHL' Renewed as Bravo Calls Claims 'Unsubstantiated'

Andy Cohen's 'WWHL' Renewed as Bravo Calls Claims 'Unsubstantiated'


Andy Cohen continues with Watch what's happening live. Bravo has renewed its wildly popular late-night talk show through 2025 after completing an investigation into accusations from former stars of THE Real Housewivesthe franchise on which he is also an executive producer.

“The outside investigation into recent allegations made by Brandi Glanville and Leah McSweeney against Andy Cohen is now complete and the allegations have been found to be unsubstantiated,” a Bravo spokesperson said. The Hollywood Reporter.

The statement came ahead of NBCUniversal's upfront presentation scheduled for next week and coincided with the announcement that the Real Housewives the franchise shows no signs of slowing down. New seasons of Housewives shows set in Atlanta, Beverly Hills, Miami, New York, Orange County, Potomac and Salt Lake City will premiere during the 2024-25 season (dates have not yet been announced).

Before celebrating its 15th anniversary with WHHL later this year, host Cohen spoke with THR for a cover story published this week, in which he addressed for the first time several allegations by former Housewives stars McSweeney and Glanville, as well as Caroline Manzo and Eboni Williams.

“Unfortunately, I can't talk about some of these things,” he told co-editor Maer Roshan about Glanville and Manzo alleging sexual harassment, and McSweeney's accusations of attempts to sabotage his sobriety. “What I will say about alcohol is we have so many sober people and people who have gotten sober on the show, like Countess Luann. [de Lesseps]. We have people who have never had a drink during the entire show. Jill Zarin. Kandi Burris. Heather Dubrow will just have a glass of champagne every now and then. So of course there are people who drink. Many people never drink. We don't force anyone to do anything. But no one secretly hides bottles of alcohol on set. It's ridiculous. We've been very supportive of people's sobriety.

McSweeney filed the lawsuit in February, naming Cohen alongside Bravo, NBC/Universal, production house Shed Media US and producers John Paparazzo, Lisa Shannon and Darren Ward. She alleged a plot to exploit his alcoholism to boost the show's ratings. “[Cohen] engaged in cocaine use with 'Housewives' and other Bravolebrities he employs” and rewards “the 'Housewives' with whom he uses cocaine with more favorable treatment and modifications,” the suit also claimed against the 55-year-old producer and host Bravo.

Cohen denied the allegations on Twitter at the time, with a rep adding: “The allegations against Andy are completely false. »

The previous week, ex-ROHB Star Brandi Glanville claimed that Cohen bragged about how he would like to “sleep with another Bravo star” and that he was “thinking” about her, prompting Glanville to monitor FaceTime, which she called “extraordinary abuse of power”. Cohen quickly dismissed this as X, saying Glanville was involved in the light-hearted joke, but apologized for saying something “totally inappropriate.”

Glanville herself is facing a lawsuit from the former RHONJ star Manzo, who accused Glanville of sexual assault while filming the spinoff series' fourth season The Ultimate Real Housewives Girls' Tripwhich has not yet been broadcast.

When we talk to THR on allegations regarding alcohol on Housewives On the sets, Cohen, who hosts the Bravo reunion shows, said, “We don't need to create drama!” Did you see Ramona Singer on a random Tuesday at 1 p.m.? Have you ever bumped into Lisa Rinna at lunchtime? Lisa Rinna doesn't need a glass of rosé to tell you exactly how she feels. Margaret Josephs only drinks Diet Coke and is a cannon of truth wherever she goes. I don't think Teresa Giudice would say it was the red wine that caused her to overturn the table! We start filming the reunion at 6 a.m., dammit!

Cohen also took part in calls from formerRHONY Bethenny Frankel called for reality TV stars to be unionized and said that while some of the claims have been hurtful, he ultimately has no regrets.

“I am incredibly proud of the close relationships I have built during my 20 years with the network,” he said. “I am very proud of what we have built and everyone who was involved in it. I think most of the people involved in these shows have been very grateful to the platform, but there will always be a few who complain. Obviously, it's no fun being a target. So yes, it's hurtful. But I have no regrets about how I handled things.




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