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5 Bollywood movies showcasing same-sex relationships with dignity


While Ayushmann Khurranas Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan is an important film for India, this is not the first time Bollywood has come out of the closet. Here are the 5 game-changing movies that beautifully and with dignity present homosexual relationships.

Love & Relationships, 5 Bollywood Movies Showcasing Same-Sex Relationships With Dignity5 Bollywood movies showcasing same-sex relationships with dignity

In India, homosexuality has been the subject of debate from ancient times to modern times. It is indeed a delicate theme and instantly becomes controversial every time it is shown on the big screen.

Bollywood is a close-knit family and some filmmakers have never shied away from making the LGBTQ community proud through their films. From the laughing characters of Dostana and Kal Ho Na Ho to some serious roles that had left us stunned.

We’ve picked out the top 5 game-changing movies that showcase same-sex relationships beautifully and with dignity.

1. Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan
Seeking to represent queer people in a realistic and honorable manner through humor, Shubh Mangal Zyada Saavdhan is the story of Kartik Singh (Ayushmann Khurrana) who overcomes social obstacles to be with her lover, Aman Tripathi (Jitendra Kumar ). The Amans’ conservative father, Shankar (Gajraj Rao), sees them kissing in the opening hour of the film. What follows this kiss is parental acceptance as Amans’ father is disgusted and does not approve of their relationship.

2. Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga
A quintessential love story filled with Punjabi songs and dances, a lead actor and lead actress set in a small town in Punjab. Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga is a story that portrays the alienation, isolation and embarrassment that the LGBTQ community goes through as it comes out of the closet. The plot of the film revolves around Sweety (Sonam Kapoor) whose family doubts whether she is in love with a Muslim (Rajkummar Rao). The real twist takes place when Sweety confesses that she is in love with a woman. What follows is Sweety rebelling against the taboo to break the shackles of society.

3. Margarita with a straw
Margarita With A Straw introduced the character of a woman who explores her sexual identity. The film revolves around Laila (Kalki Koechlin), an Indian woman with cerebral palsy, who falls in love with a blind Pakistani woman (Sayani Gupta). The film featured many intimate scenes which were adopted by the Censor Board without any cuts.

4. Honeymoon Travels Pvt Ltd
With humorous comedy and melodrama, the film showed the stiffness between a newly married couple as the man is drawn to the other man on their honeymoon. He also showed how men are forced to marry women to protect their sexual orientation under social pressure in India.

5. Bombay Talkies
On all four shorts, Ajeeb Daastan Hai Yeh spoke about gay people who are stuck in loveless marriages. The film starred a cloistered Randeep Hooda, married to the character of Rani Mukerji. A meeting between Randeep and Saqib Saleem instantly arouses an attraction between the two. When Rani learns of this, she decides to end their marriage. However, Randeep is still trying to save the marriage for fear of the inability of society to accept homosexuality.

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