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Former Invercargill cinematographer nominated for MTV Award


Kieran Fowler, formerly of Invercargill, was nominated for an MTV Video Music Award for his cinematography in a 5 Seconds of Summer video.


Kieran Fowler, formerly of Invercargill, was nominated for an MTV Video Music Award for his cinematography in a 5 Seconds of Summer video.

He says it’s the greatest thing that has ever happened to him and that some really great things have already happened.

Kieran Fowler, formerly of Invercargill, was nominated for an MTV Video Music Award for his cinematography in a 5 seconds of summer video, and it faces some big names in its category.

I never saw it coming, especially in my career.

It really is the Oscars of music videos. I’m not even worried about winning it, the nomination is good enough because it already opens doors for me, and I have agents contacting me from the UK and the US. It’s crazy.

* MTV Video Music Awards 2020: see full list of nominees
* Does anyone care more about the MTV Video Music Awards?

The video, Old me, faces the videos of Camila Cabello, Billie Eilish, Katy Perry, Lady Gaga and Ariana Grande and The Weeknd in the category Best Cinematography.

I’m not sure what the judges liked about the video and what they based it on. It compliments the track and the performers but it’s very different from the others in the category, they’re smoother and very commercial.

The video was shot over two days in Sydney and one day in Alice Springs, just before the Covid-19 pandemic hit.

The latest shot follows the band on stage at the FireFight Australia concert in Sydney in February.

The video was shot over two days in Sydney and one day in Alice Springs, just before the Covid-19 pandemic hit.

Ryan Pierse / Getty Images

The video was shot over two days in Sydney and one day in Alice Springs, just before the Covid-19 pandemic hit.

It’s probably the closest I’ve ever felt to being a rock star, walking on a stage in front of 60,000 people was just crazy.

This is not the first time that one of his music videos has won an award.

Earlier this year, the Australian Cinematography Society awarded him the Golden Tripod in its Music Video category for his work on the Guy Sebastians music video for the song Choir.

Now based in Sydney, Fowler shoots commercials for companies like Vodafone, Cadbury and Land Rover, and he worked on the small screen adaptation of Lighting.

I never could have thought that this could happen when I left Invercargill, that’s for sure.

I just nibbled on the career here in Sydney but have had an amazing career so far, have been to Europe for work and occasionally come back to New Zealand to shoot commercials.

Kieran Fowler will have to watch a live broadcast of the awards as he will not be able to travel to New York to attend.


Kieran Fowler will have to watch a live broadcast of the awards as he will not be able to travel to New York to attend.

Fowler attended Waihopai Elementary School, Rosedale Intermediate, and James Hargest College, and started winning awards for his camera work as a teenager.

In 2008, he entered the Sydney Film School.

I didn’t even really know what cinematography was going into, I just wanted to make movies. But I’m learning about it and it kindled that flame on the way to cinematography.

He will not be going to New York for the MTV VMA Awards.

The pandemic kind of ended which is a bit of a shame as it would have been cool to date some of these big names, but I’m going to have to watch a live stream of it instead.

I’m a little nervous about this, but I would be more nervous if I was there.

In 2016, Kiwi choreographer Parris Goebel was nominated for three MTV VMA awards, but won none.

Lorde controversially won an MTV VMA in 2014 for her song Royals and was nominated for the Best Artist Award in 2017 the same year she danced to her own song instead of singing it at the awards.

This year’s award winners will be announced on August 30.

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