Female celebrities who dominate their male partners
The average height of women tends to be smaller than that of men, but that doesn't mean that women can't be taller than men. Celebrities such as Cameron Diaz, Nicole Kidman and Tina Fey are much taller than their male partners. Keep reading to see how these female celebrities and more prove that size means nothing when it comes to romance.
Erica Schmidt and Peter Dinklage
Erica Schmidt is best known as a playwright and screenwriter and she is married to actor Peter Dinklage.
The two have a pretty staggering height difference, with Dinklage standing at four feet, four inches and Schmidt at five feet, six inches. The two recently collaborated on the romantic musical film Cyranowhich she wrote and in which he starred.
Cameron Diaz and Benji Madden
Cameron Diaz and Benji Madden started dating in 2014 and were married within a year. She is best known for her roles in There's something about Mary, AnnieAnd Shrekwhile he is part of a band called Good Charlotte with his twin brother Joel.
Diaz is taller than Madden because she is five feet, nine inches tall and he is five feet, six inches tall.
Rhea Perlman and Danny DeVito
One of Hollywood's most enduring couples has to be Rhea Perlman and Danny DeVito. She is known for being one of the main Cheers and we can see it in It's always sunny in Philadelphia, We flew over a cuckoo's nestand more.
They have a small height difference with Perlman at five feet and DeVito at four feet, 10 inches.
Zendaya and Tom Holland
After starring in the most recent Spiderman films together, Zendaya and Tom Holland fell in love and are currently dating.
Zendaya is five feet and 10 inches tall and Holland is two inches shorter. Although it doesn't seem like much, the two often make fun of their height difference. Zendaya finds it “ridiculous” that people feel this way.
Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas
Husband and wife Sophie Turner and Joe Jonas recently welcomed a daughter into the world. Turner is best known for Game of Thrones and Jonas is one third of the Jonas Brothers.
This Hollywood power couple has a bit of a height difference, with Turner standing five feet and nine inches tall and Jonas two inches shorter.
Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban
Nicole Kidman is happier than ever to be married to country superstar Keith Urban. Both come from Australia and are parents of two daughters.
Kidman is the taller of the pair, standing at five feet and 11 inches. Urban is only an inch shorter than Kidman. Most recently, she was nominated for the 2022 Academy Award for Best Leading Actress.
Eniko Parrish and Kevin Hart
Actor and comedian Kevin Hart married Eniko Parrish in 2016 after dating for about seven years. The two welcomed two children together in addition to the two children Hart had from a previous marriage.
There is a bit of a height difference with this couple as Parris is five feet, seven inches tall and Hart is five feet, four inches tall.
Erin Darke and Daniel Radcliffe
Erin Darke can be seen in projects such as Revolt of the good girls And The Marvelous Mrs. Maiselwhile her boyfriend, Daniel Radcliffe, is best known for being the leading man in the film. Harry Potter movie franchise.
The pair have a height difference of two inches, with Darke standing at five feet and seven inches and Radcliffe at five feet and five inches.
Tina Fey and Jeff Richmond
Tina Fey is widely known for her work on Saturday evening live, 30 Rock, mean girlsand much more, but she also enjoys collaborating with her husband Jeff Richmond. Richmond is a composer who wrote music for 30 Rock and the mean girls Broadway musical.
Fey is five feet, five inches tall and Richmond is five feet, two inches tall.
Tracy Pollan and Michael J. Fox
Actors Michael J. Fox and Tracy Pollan met in the 1980s while playing boyfriend and girlfriend on the sitcom. Family ties. The two began dating a few years later and married on July 16, 1988.
Fox and Pollan are the parents of four children named Sam, Aquinnah, Schuyler and Esm. He is five feet and four inches tall and she is five feet and six inches tall.
Rhea Durham and Mark Wahlberg
Model Rhea Durham started dating actor Mark Wahlberg in 2001 and the couple eventually married in 2009. They are the parents of four children named Ella, Grace, Michael and Brendan.
Since Durham is a model, she is taller than average (five feet and nine inches). Wahlberg is an inch shorter.
Clare Grant and Seth Green
Husband and wife Seth Green and Clare Grant are no strangers to the entertainment industry. They both often collaborate and can be seen in projects such as Robot chicken And Change country.
Grant is the taller of the two at five feet, seven inches and Green is five feet, four inches.
Helen Lasichanh and Pharrell Williams
Pharell Williams is a prominent rapper, musician, and songwriter who rose to fame with the song “Happy.” He is married to a fashion designer, stylist and model named Helen Lasichanh.
Since she's a model, it shouldn't be too surprising that she's taller than him. Lasichanh is five feet, 11 inches tall and Williams is two inches shorter.
Behati Prinsloo and Adam Levine
Behati Prinsloo is a prominent Namibian model, best known for being a Victoria's Secret Angel. She is currently married to Maroon 5 singer Adam Levine.
The couple has two daughters named Dusty Rose and Gio Grace. Although Prinsloo is actually an inch shorter than Levine, her heels tower over her on the red carpet.
Nicole Tuck and DJ Khaled
Nicole Tuck and DJ Khaled have been together since the 1990s and are the parents of two sons named Asahd and Alalm. Tuck works as music director for DJ Khaled and is the founder of ABU Apparel.
They have a slight height difference, with Tuck being five feet and eight inches tall and DJ Khaled being an inch shorter.
Penny Lancaster and Rod Stewart
Some may not know that after working as a model and television personality, Penny Lancaster became a police officer. She met her husband Rob Stewart in 1999 and the two married in 2007.
Lancaster is six feet, one inch tall, while Stewart is five feet, 10 inches tall. His management actually asked him at one point not to wear heels on the red carpet with him.
Geena Davis and Reza Jarrahy
Geena Davis was married to pediatric plastic surgeon Dr. Reza Jarrahy from 2001 to 2017. It took until late 2021 for their divorce to be finalized.
There was a big difference in height when the two were together. Davis is six feet tall and Jarrahy is five feet, eight inches tall.
Patricia Azarcoya and Rob Schneider
Rob Schneider is an actor best known for his collaborations with Adam Sandler in projects such as Grandpa, AdultsAnd Halloween.
He is married to actress and television producer Patricia Azarcoya and the couple has a notable height difference. Schneider is five feet, three inches tall and Azarcoya is three inches taller.
Gwendoline Christie and Giles Deacon
Gwendoline Christie is an actress and model best known for playing Brienne of Tarth in Game of Thrones. She has been married to fashion designer Giles Deacon since 2013.
They are one of the greatest celebrity couples of all time. Christie is six feet, three inches tall and Deacon is six feet, one inch tall.
Tanya Haden and Jack Black
Tanya Haden is an artist, musician, singer and triplet. She and her sisters are the daughters of jazz bassist Charlie Haden.
Haden is married to actor Jack Black, known for his roles in School of Rock, Nacho Freeand many more. Black is five feet and six inches tall and Haden is an inch taller.
Sources 2/ https://www.buzznet.com/2024/10/female-celebrities-who-tower-over-their-male-partners/ The mention sources can contact us to remove/changing this article |
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