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Harry and Meghans' diplomatic blunder with Ireland has revealed that it is a shame to see! | Royal | New


The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will be reunited with the rest of the royal family during Commonwealth Day of Service next Monday. It is a highly anticipated event that will see the couple side by side with their loved ones for the first time since they decided to retire as members of the royal family. However, Prince William and Kate Middleton are currently on a three-day tour of Ireland, and critics have speculated that it was designed to avoid the Sussexes for the better part of their visit.

Royal fans have also crossed their fingers, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will not make the same mistake regarding their Irish history as Harry and Meghan did recently.

Writing for the Irish publication in January, journalist Caitlin McBride reported a serious error on the Sussex Royal website.

She explained: "Meghan Markle and Prince Harry have claimed that their Irish mini-moon is an effort to strengthen the Commonwealth – even if Ireland is not a member of the group."

The Commonwealth is an association of 53 member states. Almost all countries were territories of the British Empire.

However, Ireland seceded from the United Kingdom in 1922 and was officially declared a republic in 1949, after leaving the Commonwealth.

McBride continued: "The bragging about their trip to Dublin in 2018 will likely be seen as one of their first big diplomatic mistakes since Mrs. Markle and Prince Harry announced their intention to 'step back from their roles within the royal family ”.

Harry and Meghan visited Ireland in July 2018 for their first official overseas tour as a married couple.

The trip was seen as an exercise in "soft PR" aimed at consolidating relations between the United Kingdom and Ireland as Brexit approaches.

However, the erroneous registration of Ireland in the Commonwealth could cancel part of their diplomatic work from 2018.

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It is also compounded by couples' passion for the Commonwealth – the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have repeatedly pointed out that this is one of the areas in which they most want to work as a couple.

Writing in in January, journalist Olivia Fahy said, "Given the frequency with which they have championed the importance of the Commonwealth, you would think they know that Ireland is not participating.

"It is a pity to see that they present themselves as a movement for the modernization of the monarchy, but errors like these make them appear more in conformity with the old methods than they think they are."

The two were also appointed Commonwealth Youth Ambassadors by the Queen in preparation for their wedding, which Harry said he and Meghan were "extremely excited to attend".

Meghan also had all of her member state signature flowers embroidered in her veil when she traded weddings with Harry in St George's Chapel.

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There was great speculation that the two would also move to Africa after their tour of South Africa in the fall.

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex could then continue their work with the Commonwealth and be close to the charity founded by Harry in 2006, Sentebale.

Harry admitted in the controversial ITV documentary "Harry & Meghan: An African Journey" that it would be "amazing" to live in Cape Town.

However, he admitted, "But with all the problems out there, I just don't see how we could make as much difference as we want with the problems and the judgment of how we would be with them. this. surroundings. "

After the couples' dramatic "declaration of independence", Harry also revealed that it would no longer be possible for the two to continue to represent the Queen in the Commonwealth.

At a private event, he explained, "Our hope was to continue serving the Queen, the Commonwealth and my military associations without public funding.

"Unfortunately, this was not possible."

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