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The main characters, classified by sympathy


Latest version of Netflix, Ginny and Georgia, is Gilmore girls meets Big little lies. A 30-year-old single mom raising kids in an East Coast town may seem oddly familiar, but the cast of the characters stands out on their own, making it easy to see them as individuals rather than as individuals. recycled formulas.

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There’s a lot to like about this group of characters, no one is one-dimensional or represents a typical high school theater stereotype. It’s hard to pick a fan favorite on a show where everyone has that small-town New England charm, but some personalities stand out above the rest.

12 Georgia

Georgia in Car Tones in Ginny and Georgia

Georgia Miller, aka Mary Atkins, swayed the line between the Southern Charmer and the Merciless Murderer in Season 1. While initially her crimes seemed justified (shooting her abusive stepfather and managing a game to have money to raise her daughter), Ultimately Georgia blurred the line between protective and downright dangerous.

Audiences spend most of the season unsure if they can trust Georgia, but her charm makes viewers want to be on her side. It wasn’t until the last episode, where she spreads the ashes of her ex-husband (whom she killed) in party fireworks and subtly admits to doing so for fans to see who she really is, and that person could just be mean.

11 Abby

Abby in her room in Ginny and Georgia

The MANG “A” has been through a lot of its own struggles over the season. From the impending divorce of her parents to the duct tape on her thighs indicating some sort of body image pain, Abby was not free from pain.

However, she constantly criticized her friends for not being there for her when she was rarely there for them, she let Ginny take the fall when they were all caught shoplifting, and to In the end, she blamed it all on Ginny, even when she was partly responsible for all the secrets of their group of friends.

ten Norah

Norah in Ginny and Georgia

Norah was the quietest member of MANG, often being the Swiss in arguments and running away with her boyfriend Jordan if the group got too much.

Norah didn’t do anything wrong, but she didn’t do much either. She blindly followed Abby’s or Max’s leads and never spoke for herself.

9 hunter

Hunter in Ginny and Georgia

Hunter was touted as the “good guy” option for Ginny as opposed to Marcus’ “bad boy”. He was a diligent boyfriend; he wrote her a song and read Pride and Prejudiceso that they have something to say. Hunter was perfect on paper.

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But the hunter that audiences see in later episodes isn’t as nice as he drove him. He challenges Ginny to the “ Olympics of Oppression ” when they argue over who should have won the essay contest, and punches an already injured Marcus for sleeping with Ginny. In the heat of their fight, he says some really hurtful things and shows his true colors under his handsome guy facade.

8 If we

Zion to Ginny and Georgia

Ginny’s father and Georgia Penguin Zion appeared a la Christopher Hayden on a motorcycle around the second half of the season. He was an established photographer and writer and expressed interest in finally settling down and becoming a family.

Of course, that completely throws Georgia, who is in a committed relationship with Paul, for a loop and causes her to regress on any growth she’s made. Zion eventually sees that Georgia is thriving in Wellsbury without him and lets her go, injuring Ginny in the process.

7 Austin

Austin to Ginny and Georgia

Ginny’s half-brother Austin spends most of the series doing Harry potter spells and writing letters from his imprisoned father. His sane and gentle demeanor makes it hard to see him being bullied and to see him discover that Georgia was forcing his father’s responses all the time, never having sent a single one of his letters.

Austin showed his similarities to his mother when he stabbed Zach, his bully, with a pencil and skipped school for a week. He also set Georgia’s garden on fire with his cousin Caleb. The only person who had ever been fully there for Austin was Ginny, and he desperately needed her.

6 Ginny

Ginny to Ginny and Georgia

Ginny came to Wellsbury as a new girl, someone who had never really had any friends because of her nomadic lifestyle. She quickly befriends Maxine Baker, who lets her join her sophomore clique.

Ginny’s personality oscillated between a tender heart and an illusory selfish; protect her brother’s safety and mother’s heart, but also cheat on her boyfriend and verbally attack his parents. Ultimately, Ginny is a good soul, who also happens to be a hormonal teenager.

5 Paul

Paul in Ginny and Georgia

Georgia’s handsome love interest and Wellsbury Mayor Paul Randolph showed a generous heart when he gave Georgia a job when she had no political experience. He was constantly trying to do what was right outside town and was the only one calling Georgia on his behavior in more than one case.

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Paul never got to see the Georgia side viewers did, so it was hard to see him trust her so faithfully and propose, not knowing what he might be getting into. Despite his claim that they are both cut from the same fabric, Paul’s naivety could ultimately make the most of him.

4 Max

Max in Ginny and Georgia

Sweet Maxine instantly took Ginny under her wing and introduced her to a group of friends she had never had. Max beamed with positivity and was fiercely loyal, until Ginny betrayed her.

Max’s personality can be extremely intense at times, and her tendency to go all out about herself and never leave room for others to talk could be frustrating. But much of Max’s energy was the result of overcompensating for her own insecurities, and she still had good intentions.

3 Ellen

Ellen in Ginny and Georgia

Max and Marcus’ mother, Ellen, was Georgia’s first friend when she moved to Wellsbury. The two got high together, complained about their kids, and chaperoned Sophomore Sleepover with each other.

Ellen’s endless kindness made it especially difficult for viewers to watch her learn that Georgia had been keeping things from her. Specifically, information about their two children.

2 Marcus

Marcus in Ginny and Georgia

Stoner, the skateboarder, the motorcyclist who wanted to be Marcus seemed like the asshole in love at first. He slept with Ginny when she arrived in town and was still in a mood and brooding.

Marcus ended up being one of the friendliest characters on the show. He was open about his mental health issues and looking forward to his love for Ginny. Although he didn’t sometimes, he wanted to be good, which made it easy for viewers to fall in love with him.

1 Joe

Joe in Ginny and Georgia

Joe, the owner of Blue Farm, and a modern day Luke Danes was the nicest person in Wellsbury. He was cold and indifferent, but provided Georgia with whatever it asked (or demanded).

Flashbacks from Joe, revealing he was a kid who gave away his sunglasses and inspired young Georgia, made him even more lovable. His unrequited love for her years later was painful to watch, knowing he deserved so much more.

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