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John Cena denies ever wearing WWE ‘on his back’


F9 and The Suicide Squad star John Cena shoots down claims he carried WWE on his back while at the peak of his wrestling career.

F9John Cena shot down suggestions that he was carrying WWE on his back.

Cena saidGeek’s lair, “No, no, that’s not true. It’s not true. If you think so, watch any wrestling match or performance in WWE with just one individual. So I don’t believe in this term.”

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The suicide squad The star continued, “I have always found a real sense of satisfaction in contributing where I can because I know the idea of ​​the feeling of complacency with performers is high. And they always want to be in the first place and there is only one first place. But I believe a spot is a chance to contribute. So it won’t be about that. It will just be if there is an exciting and correct sequel to the story . “

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Cena added, “I hate when people say that because it takes away the credit from a lot of talented individuals.”

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The former WWE Superstar also discussed his desire to return to WWE while balancing wrestling and drama, stating, “I really, really want to come back to WWE. I really want the audience to come back to WWE. with everyone i think around the world saying i just want the world to get back to normal but these are some interesting times and i have a lot of interesting opportunities at my feet … and i think that now the public understands very well that I have developed a similar kind of passion towards [acting]. “

He concluded, “And you cannot be both places at the same time because one place will suffer or otherwise both places will suffer.”

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After F9, Cena will play Peacemaker in both James Gunns The suicide squad, which hits theaters on August 6, and upcoming from inHBO MaxPeacemakerseries. The artist recently described the character of Peacemaker, saying, “He loves peace so much, he’ll kill for it. That line, right there, is so … Fucked!”

Directed by Justin Lin, F9 stars Vin Diesel, Michelle Rodriguez, Tyrese Gibson, Chris “Ludacris” Bridges, John Cena, Nathalie Emmanuel, Jordana Brewster, Sung Kang, Helen Mirren, Kurt Russell and Charlize Theron. The film hits theaters on June 25.

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Source: Geek’s lair

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