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Who is Blaire White? Tom MacDonalds Snowflakes video explored!


Tom MacDonald released his last song Snowflakes and fans noticed that Blaire White was part of the clip. Here’s a look at who Blaire is!

In his new song, Tom tackles the political atmosphere of the United States. This is not the first time that the singer speaks about politics. Most of his music tends to shed light on this subject. In his latest clip, the singer decided to collaborate with Blaire.

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Who is Blaire White?

Blaire is an American YouTuber and political commentator. She has expressed her thoughts on politics and uses her social media platform to share her thoughts.

At the same time, Blaire, who is a transgender activist, has been a strong supporter of Donald Trump. Talk to News weekBlaire had revealed how she was bullied for being a Trump supporter.

She said: I am a transgender woman who lives my life and dates everyday like myself. I have never been assaulted for being trans. I’ve never had anyone on the street say anything mean to me about being trans. But I was assaulted for wearing a Trump hat. I think that speaks for itself.

In addition to having a strong stance on politics, Blaire often posts content on his Instagram. She interacts with her fans giving them a glimpse into her life.

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Tom MacDonalds Snowflakes video explored

Toms Snowflakes The video delves deep into U.S. politics, highlighting things that it says are problematic. With an American flag in the background, the singer goes on to relate things that need to be looked into.

From gun laws to abortion bills, the singer leaves no subject unresolved. At the same time, Tom is questioning the government for its contradictory statements.

Meanwhile, some lyrics are about race war and how the Black Lives Matter discussion only happens once every four years. The entire lyrics make people look around and see how politics shapes people’s minds.

As Tom asks his supporters to question everything that goes on in American politics, he expresses the urgent need for change in the country.

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