We woke up and we chose glamor – Glossy
As the power of social media has grown, public opinion has become paramount in determining the next “it” girl. Style and reliability are key, but what the public often fails to consider is the impact of the engine behind the superstar machine, especially when it comes to a stylist.
Law Roach, Zendaya and Celine Dion’s fashion stylist among his extensive A-listers resume, has proven the impact that refinement of his style can have in catapulting them to style icon status. Roachs succeeds in styling TikTok celebrities on the big screen – watch Addison rae for the MTV Movie Awards and Anya Taylor Joy for both Golden globes and Critics’ Choice Award – is less stereotypical and more organic, he said in the latest Glossy Podcast.
I don’t necessarily have a wish list, said Roach, who he’d like to dress in. I work with people when it feels good or [when] I feel like there is something I can help them achieve, or vice versa.
Logistically, the styling process of its star clients also varies with each individual. While some clients are highly collaborative, others just want to be dressed up, Roach said. The pop and finesse that Roach brings to the table stems from his often unorthodox approach to fashion. For example, rather than taking looks straight off the runway, Roach purposefully uses vintage pieces from eBay, which he teamed up with in June to tell a story through the looks he curates.
I live in this world which is very fantastic, whimsical and dreamy, Roach said. I always try to use these clothes to help say something or make people feel something.
Below are additional conversation highlights, which have been edited slightly for clarity.
The return of haute couture
Fashion is coming back, and we’ve seen it in some of our work with the awards show. We woke up and we chose glamor. It has the power to change moods. That’s why we watch the shows. We don’t remember who won [the awards] If you ask me who wore the red Valentino, I remember it. And as the majority, that’s what we remember, because that ambitious part is why we love Hollywood and why we love fashion. People want to be dressed, people want to be outside, people want to look beautiful.
Going from junk to eBay shopping
After church and before Sunday dinner, [my grandmother] had this religious thing she would do, she called it the junk. And I remember when I was a little boy being with her and maneuvering around the thrift store. She was looking for salt and pepper shakers and plates, and then she would move around and look at the clothes, then the handbags and all that. It was something that went on for years and years and years. And at first, I didn’t quite understand. As I got older I realized it, because it was a treasure hunt. And I used to watch her eyes light up when she found pieces that seemed special to her. Later in life I came back to that and the nostalgia of being in a thrift store. The nostalgia to hunt and find something special came back to me, and I started a career in vintage because of it.
Go from stylist to designer
It’s a natural transition from stylist to designer. We have the opportunity to touch, smell and see so many clothes and designs. Also, as stylists, we know what is lacking in the market, what we need, what we can’t find, what doesn’t exist. I hope I make the transition there and can give women what is lacking in the market because I have real love, respect and admiration for women. I would like to collaborate with Target or [something] like this, where I can take my talents to the hover states and the people who follow me or don’t even know me [can] to be lucky enough to have a real piece of me. Every woman deserves this, and I’m looking for someone to give me the opportunity to do a collaboration where I can be of service to all women and not just a few.
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