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Local fashion designer prepares for his biggest fashion show to date


Richard L. Gaw


David Ferron at Unionville Saddle,
there is something so quietly majestic and beautiful in the south of Chester
County woman. It is a discreet elegance, which does not make any noise and makes to be more apparent than it really is. he
lies in the application of clothes made for the work of a modern woman
who shoots on the ground of the region in which she lives; the breeze with one hand
through the hair in the morning; the subtle touch of makeup, if any; and the
fit well worn boots
complimented by the perfect sweater.

perfection, crossing country roads and small towns.

In March
28, Ferron will present Collection One, its new line of 50 styles that
created in honor of these women, at the Brandywine River Museum of Art. Sold
outside for weeks, the show will attract 240 admirers to the atsunset museum
for an evening of cocktails, appetizers and a track presentation on
women and local models.

Ferron, Collection One is the dovetail effect of his love for a local museum
and his willingness to add a big and daring blow to his young career in
fashion. He started designing the collection last June, as part of his aspiration
to create a line of styles that women can custom order.

I am
get to the point where custom work is going great but i want more
people to have access to what i have
was the design, said Ferron. I say to women: "It's the style, it's the fabrics
options and colors, and we can do it for you based on your measurements.

year, a Ferron client came to the studio to collect a personalized order. She
told Ferron that she had just come from the Brandywine River Museum of Art. How? 'Or' What
ironic, thought Ferron. He then told her about the times when her mother Ann
the art teacher at Patton Middle School sometimes took his son David
out of school to join her and her classes on trips to the museum. When he started
to design its ideal location for a parade, the museum came immediately
in mind. He loved the way his large windows captured the flowing eloquence of the
near the Brandywine River, especially at sunset.

the client put Ferron in contact with Thomas Padon, director of the museum.

said to Mr. Padon, I see this as an event for the community, said Ferron. I
see this get a lot of local women who will wear my custom
clothing and an opportunity to debut Collection One. I also see using the
circular atrium on three floors and transforming this space into a runway.

then created a 30-page booklet as part of a presentation he made to Padon. he
gave clear and detailed arguments: why fashion should be in art museums; and
the cultural relevance of clothing for personal expression. Just before
Thanksgiving, Padon said to Ferron, yes.

even if Ferron was born and raised locally, his show of March 28 represents, in
in many ways, its official Homecoming. After graduating from Unionville High
In 2007 Ferron attended the Parsons School of Design in New York,
and in 2011 was selected as Parsons designer of women's clothing of the year. Then he
spent seven years in New York's highly competitive fashion industry,
before returning to Chester County in 2018.

the most changed in the last two years is
that this studio has become an incubator for my creations, where I now have the
the opportunity to speak face-to-face with the woman for whom I make a garment,
Said Ferron. In this process, not only do I know the clothes better
and how I like to design, but I'm getting to know them. They are not only
invest in a nice dress to wear for their daughters' wedding but they're
also invest in an experience using
their own creative ability,
which is rare in the purchase of clothing.

listen to them. I understand the adjustment issues they have with off-rack clothing and why they chose
their desired style. It becomes more community oriented.

he is preparing for the biggest show of his career which will reveal 50 styles
and 20 different runway looks
Ferron said his Collection One event will serve as a generous overlap
to his mission as a clothing designer, and the styles he created for
women from Chester County. I lost the New York sensibility of making chic clothes and making a big statement,
he said. Now my goal is to design
clothes with a spirit that make women feel good.

Select rooms
Collection One will be available to order on
the day of the show, and all other pieces will be available to order at
David Ferron shop in Unionville. To make an appointment, send an email to [email protected]
or call (610) 470-1254.

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