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Arnn primary school students become agents of change for a school project | Article

Arnn primary school students become agents of change for a school project |  Article


Leo Jones, a fourth-grade student at Arnn Elementary School, portrays Leonardo da Vinci during a living wax museum event inside the school in Sagamihara Family Housing Area, Japan. Japan, March 21, 2024. Jones was one of many fourth graders to dress as their favorite historical figure at the museum, the culmination of a school project started in the fall.

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Leo Jones, a fourth-grade student at Arnn Elementary School, portrays Leonardo da Vinci during a living wax museum event inside the school in Sagamihara Family Housing Area, Japan. Japan, March 21, 2024. Jones was one of many fourth graders to dress as their favorite historical figure at the museum, the culmination of a school project started in the fall.
(Photo credit: Sean Kimmons)


Arnn Elementary School fourth grader Samuel Saxton portrays Genghis Khan during a living wax museum event inside the school in Sagamihara Family Housing Area, Japan , March 21, 2024. Saxton was one of several fourth graders to dress as their favorite historical figure from the museum, the culmination of a school project started in the fall.

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Arnn Elementary School fourth grader Samuel Saxton portrays Genghis Khan during a living wax museum event inside the school in Sagamihara Family Housing Area, Japan , March 21, 2024. Saxton was one of several fourth graders to dress as their favorite historical figure from the museum, the culmination of a school project started in the fall.
(Photo credit: Sean Kimmons)


Rowan Brown, a fourth grader at Arnn Elementary School, portrays a Navajo Code Talker during a living wax museum event inside the Sagamihara Family Housing Area school, in Japan on March 21, 2024. Brown was one of several fourth graders to dress as their favorite historical figure from the museum, the culmination of a school project started in the fall.

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Rowan Brown, a fourth grader at Arnn Elementary School, portrays a Navajo Code Talker during a living wax museum event inside the Sagamihara Family Housing Area school, in Japan on March 21, 2024. Brown was one of several fourth graders to dress as their favorite historical figure from the museum, the culmination of a school project started in the fall.
(Photo credit: Sean Kimmons)


Jose Martinez, left, a fourth-grader at Arnn Elementary School, portrays Albert Einstein during a living wax museum event inside the Sagamihara Family Housing Area school, in Japan on March 21, 2024. Martinez was one of several fourth graders to dress up as their favorite historical figure from the museum, the culmination of a school project started in the fall.


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Jose Martinez, left, a fourth-grader at Arnn Elementary School, portrays Albert Einstein during a living wax museum event inside the Sagamihara Family Housing Area school, in Japan on March 21, 2024. Martinez was one of several fourth graders to dress up as their favorite historical figure from the museum, the culmination of a school project started in the fall.
(Photo credit: Sean Kimmons)


SAGAMIHARA FAMILY HOUSING AREA, Japan With a bushy gray wig and a beard covering much of his face, Leo Jones looked like the image of Leonardo da Vinci on a billboard behind him.

Jones, a fourth-grader at Arnn Elementary School, also held a paintbrush and palette to transform himself into a renowned artist as he recited facts about himself Thursday as part of a living wax museum .

I chose Leonardo da Vinci because I like to draw, he said. And I really love how he accomplished so much.

Jones was one of several fourth graders to dress up as a favorite historical figure for the museum, the culminating event of a school project that began in the fall.

It was a huge research project, said Rosemarie Martin, a fourth-grade teacher. And here is the final product, a wax museum of change.

Martin said that after the students chose an influential person, they researched and wrote an article about them, then created a monologue and a chart before presenting them in front of parents and other students.

It really builds self-confidence, she says. And this pushes them to finish something, a project or an article, with small steps and those who do not succeed [at first]we can set them up for success.

Martin added that the project covers all fourth grade standards, such as reading, writing, listening and speaking. It also inspires the younger students who come to attend this event which has been organized for four years.

It's also very important to pique the interest of younger children, so they can look forward to something in fourth grade, she said.

This year, the museum was divided into four classrooms to provide more space for students to educate others about their figures.

In the same room as Jones, fourth-grader Ashley Gibson held a microphone and dressed as Coretta Scott King, a civil rights leader.

Arnn Elementary School fourth-grader Ashley Gibson portrays Coretta Scott King during a living wax museum event inside the school in Sagamihara Family Housing Area, Japan. Japan, March 21, 2024. Gibson was one of many fourth graders to dress as their favorite historical figure at the museum, the culmination of a school project started in the fall.

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Arnn Elementary School fourth-grader Ashley Gibson portrays Coretta Scott King during a living wax museum event inside the school in Sagamihara Family Housing Area, Japan Japan, March 21, 2024. Gibson was one of many fourth graders to dress as their favorite historical figure at the museum, the culmination of a school project started in the fall.
(Photo credit: Sean Kimmons)


Anna Lisboa, center, poses for a photo with her parents, Nelson and Yukari, during an event at the Living Wax Museum inside Arnn Elementary School in the Sagamihara Family Housing Area, in Japan, March 21, 2024. Anna, a fourth grader, depicted astronaut Sally Ride for the museum, the culmination of a school project started in the fall.

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Anna Lisboa, center, poses for a photo with her parents, Nelson and Yukari, during an event at the Living Wax Museum inside Arnn Elementary School in the Sagamihara Family Housing Area, in Japan, March 21, 2024. Anna, a fourth grader, depicted astronaut Sally Ride for the museum, the culmination of a school project started in the fall.
(Photo credit: Sean Kimmons)


Fourth-graders at Arnn Elementary School dress up as their favorite historical figure during an event at the living wax museum inside the school in Sagamihara Family Housing Area, Japan, on March 21, 2024.

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Fourth-graders at Arnn Elementary School dress up as their favorite historical figure during an event at the living wax museum inside the school in Sagamihara Family Housing Area, Japan, on March 21, 2024.
(Photo credit: Sean Kimmons)


London Riley, left, a fourth grader at Arnn Elementary School, portrays Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani education activist, during a living wax museum event inside the school from the Sagamihara family housing area, Japan, on March 21, 2024. Riley was one of many fourth graders at Arnn Elementary School.  school students dress up as their favorite historical figure for the museum, the culminating event of a school project that began in the fall.


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London Riley, left, a fourth grader at Arnn Elementary School, portrays Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani education activist, during a living wax museum event inside the school from the Sagamihara family housing area, Japan, on March 21, 2024. Riley was one of many fourth graders at Arnn Elementary School. school students dress up as their favorite historical figure for the museum, the culminating event of a school project that began in the fall.
(Photo credit: Sean Kimmons)


During her research, Gibson said she was impressed by King, a singer who tried to bring people together through music and who also helped make Martin Luther King Jr. Day a national holiday.

I knew she was the wife of Mr. Martin Luther King; I just didn't know she did all these things, Gibson said. She was a woman who always stood up for herself, but also for others.

Brynn Riley and her husband, Capt. Matthew Riley, assigned to 1st Corps (Forward), said they enjoy seeing the students' efforts come to life.

As they prepared for the event, Brynn said many students discussed their projects and shared materials to help each other.

It's somewhat of a community effort, she said. They've worked really hard on this and it's nice to show them some support.

Brynn said her daughter, London, became very interested in Malala Yousafzai, a Pakistani education activist. As part of her research on the changemaker, London also read his biography, his mother said.

She really looked into it, Brynn said, and [also] I discovered a love for other people's biographies and what they did for the world.

Matthew, who said their eldest also did this school project last year, said it was important because it encourages students to dream big.

It gives them the opportunity to look at the lives of people who changed history and look to them as role models, he said. Like, Hey, when I grow up, I can do something awesome like this too.

Related links:

News from U.S. Army Garrison Japan

USAG Japan official website




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