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Bachelorette Gabi Elnicki wants to burn her 2023 final dress

Bachelorette Gabi Elnicki wants to burn her 2023 final dress


Gabi Elnicki wants to burn her 2023 final dress
ABC/Craig Sjodin

The single personIt is Gabi Elnicki's Season 27 Finale Dress Is Still “Bad Juju” One Year After Her Heart Was Broken By Zach Shallcross on national television.

While Gabi, 26, watched season 28 Bachelor finale on Monday, March 25, she reflected on the yellow Proenza Schouler dress she wore during her emotional breakup from Zach, 27, via her Instagram Story. “I really loved this dress but it's ruined,” she wrote alongside a photo of herself in the vibrant dress. “I think I need to burn this dress in a fire pit with sage. There's some bad juju now. What a shame. »

Gabi, who was Zach's runner-up, continued: “I haven't even had it cleaned since Thailand. It probably still has my tears on it. Gabi went on to share that she is a “firm believer” in never wearing a “piece of clothing” again after experiencing a “bad night in an outfit.”

Gabi Elnicki wants to burn her 2023 final dress

The TV personality teamed the look with gold sandals by Perphy and sparkly earrings. For added glamour, she slicked her brunette hair into a bun and applied soft makeup.

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Although it appears Gabi is still healing from her breakup with Zach, she has remained close friends with her fiancée, Kaity Biggarwhich he chose in his place.

Gabi Elnicki wants to burn her 2023 final dress
Gabi Elnicki/Instagram; ABC

In January, Gabi opened up about her friendship with Kaity, 29, during an Instagram Q&A. “At the end of the day, Kaity is one of my best friends and we struck up a friendship before we really knew Zach,” she wrote. “I only want the best for them and I am very grateful that we have both been able to move forward with our lives in a positive way.”

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Since its release from The single personGabi confirmed via Instagram that she has a new boyfriend, named Zach Espinosa. Earlier this month, she posted an adorable photo of the two hugging while on vacation in Texas.




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