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8 Bridesmaid Dress Trends Your Guests Will Love

8 Bridesmaid Dress Trends Your Guests Will Love


You've got your date set, your venue locked in, and your wedding dress in production. Next on the to-do list: selecting your bridesmaids' looks. Today, many brides leave the choice of their dresses to their bridesmaids, but overall the look always depends on the bride. But with an infinite number of directions to follow, where do you start?!

To help, we asked wedding experts for tips for inspiration and insight into bridesmaid dress trends. From pops of pink to pattern plays and even sleek black, you're sure to find a direction that you and your companions will love.

Find inspiration

Seasonality, formality and style of the bride's look should all determine the style of the bridal party, says Erin Casey Wolf, franchisor of Bella Bridesmaids, a go-to bridal party destination with nearly 50 showrooms in all the countries.

Decorating is another great place to find inspiration. The color of your bridesmaids' dresses should complement the wedding design, so the bridesmaids become an intentional design element, says a New York-based bridal stylist. Gabrielle Hurwitz. For example, I have a client who is getting married in a beautiful gold ballroom. So we took inspiration from the colors of the ceiling mural and put her bridesmaids in shades of dusty blue, sage green, and gold.

For more inspiration, check out these gorgeous ideas that Hurwitz and Casey Wolf consider trendy, but are still timeless enough to be looked at and loved for decades to come.

Poppy roses

Cadence and Eli

Shades of pink are in, and the poppier they are, the better. This year, brides were looking for strong, true pinks, says Casey Wolf. They're putting aside plumper, blush tones and purple-hued magentas in favor of powdery pinks and bright azaleas.

Some shades to watch out for? Jenny Yoo recently introduced a color called Azalea to her bridesmaids line, and Casey Wolf cites this shade as one she particularly loves. Also check out Amsales' Flowy Fuchsia Satin, LulaKates Pink Peony (the brand also has an amazing hot pink floral), and the Dessy Think Pink collections. Arrange the bridal party so they are all in the same true tone, or have each member select their shade of pink for an ombré effect.


Lauren Peele Photography

Slip dresses are still popular, but I see brides wanting to incorporate more texture into their bridesmaid dresses, whether through fabric or silhouette, Hurwitz says. Consider a sequinned shift maxi dress or a dress with cascading ruffles. Need inspiration? This glitter Staud is Stellarand, show me your mom Romantic ruffled dress also fits the texture bill. Dresses like this are also reusable. In fact, Hurwitz adds, many of my brides are looking for bridesmaid dresses that aren't necessarily look like bridesmaids dresses, but more of a chic evening dress.

An updated version of satin

Clayton Austin

For brides and bridesmaids still attracted to satin, which has been extremely popular in recent years, 2024 offers an updated version. Satin is still very popular, but brides are asking for more wearable styles with more fullness in the skirt, says Casey Wolf. She hangs Jenny Yoos Daisy bridesmaid dress and Mac Duggals ruffled-sleeve satin dress as excellent examples.

Black dresses

Adam Barnes

It's true what they say: classic black will never go out of style. Whether it's an actual trend or a timeless choice, black dresses are on our list of trendy bridesmaid looks.

Black is a particularly great option when you want to let your bridesmaids choose their own dresses, as there is little variation in color, black dresses will almost always look cohesive, regardless of style. It's a great choice for black tie weddings, and there's a bonus: bridesmaids can always wear a black dress again, which is a major plus as wedding attendant budgets seem to be increasing by more and more.

Structured forms

Wedding Photography of Miss Fiona

The structure is really on trend, and it makes sense because we see so many beautiful shapes of traditional ball gowns for the bride, says Casey Wolf. For bridesmaids, structure can mean oversized bows, molded skirts, and heavier fabrics that hold their shape, whether for black tie or an even more casual outfit. We're seeing column skirts having a moment, and bridal parties are looking for details that nod to classic elegance and old Hollywood. Discover Alfred Sungs' bowback column dressSachin and Babis Sophie dressand LulaKates Shantung Eva dress.

Rainbow or Ombre Wedding Parties

Ashley Upchurch

In previous years, mismatched bridal showers meant each bridesmaid wore a different floral design. This year we saw a clean version, with each bridesmaid wearing a different color, either for an ombré effect in the same color family or in completely different colors. When done right, I love a mismatched wedding party, Hurwitz says. I think the key is to have a very clear vision.

She makes some recommendations for brides. Create a mood board with reference images that appeal to you, your ideal color palette, and even dresses you love. You can easily create a Pinterest board, mock something up in Canva, or even do a Google Slides presentation,” she explains. If you're going for a rainbow of colors, make sure the colors are well distributed “Once you have your vision, ask your bridesmaids to rank their color preferences from one to three, or however many colors you have, then assign a color to each girl so as not to you end up with five girls in blue and only one in green, says Hurwitz.

Unique models

Angga Permana

Even though we are moving away from the typical flowers of years past, the designs are still relevant today. I love bridal showers with patterns, says Hurwitz. The key is to play with the scale of prints and, if you can, find prints that incorporate all the colors in the palette to tie everything together. I've seen chic stripes and abstract prints that work well in bridesmaids dresses.

Corset styles

Natalie Watson Photography

A bridal trend that has made its way to the wedding party? Corsets. Bridesmaids have started to embrace corset styles for more specific waist definition and style, says Casey Wolf. And, as opulent weddings take over from the more casual weddings of recent years, bridesmaids are looking to dress up. This fashion-forward style is exactly that and ideal for black tie weddings. Casey Wolf Recommends Alfred Sungs Fit and Flare Sonnet dress, a corset draped with Barry Jayor a discreet In the Lázaro way.




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