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Jannik Sinner passes Daniil Medvedev, to Miami final | ATP tour

Jannik Sinner passes Daniil Medvedev, to Miami final |  ATP tour



Sensational Sinner reaches Miami final

The second seed awaits Zverev or Dimitrov

March 29, 2024

Jannik Sinner is aiming for his second ATP Masters 1000 crown.
By ATP staff

Jannik Sinner produced a thrilling semi-final performance on Friday as he breezed past Daniil Medvedev 6-1, 6-2 in just one hour and nine minutes at the Miami Open presented by Itau.

The 22-year-old is now one win away from his third title of the season, which would send him to career No. 2 in Monday's PIF ATP rankings.

“I felt great on the track today. Usually the more you go into a tournament, the more comfortable I feel,” Sinner said. “I am very happy with this achievement.”

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A clean-hitting Sinner showed why he was the player to beat on the ATP Tour this year. With a season-leading match record of 21-1, the second seed flew out of the blocks and jumped to a 5-0 lead when he crushed the ball and left Medvedev guessing whether to play offense or defense.

Medvedev started the match at Hard Rock Stadium by returning closer to the baseline, a contrast to his signature position close to the back wall. He eventually returned to a deep stance but was unable to convert any of his three break chances throughout the afternoon.

Sinner's momentum never wavered as he won 10 straight points from late in the first set to the second set, where he broke Medvedev at love in the opening match. Sinner routinely put the ball on a dime and frustrated the world number 4 with his consistency, making just 12 unforced errors to Medvedev's 22.

“He made a lot of mistakes, which he normally doesn't make,” Sinner said of Medvedev, who made just four unforced errors in the first set of his quarterfinal match against Nicolas Jarry. “I just seized the opportunity. I expected a very tough match. If he destroys me in the first set or in the second set, it will be very different.”

Sinner has remarkably reversed the trend in his Lexus ATP Head2Head series with Medvedev, who ousted the Italian in the Miami final 12 months ago, improving to 6-0 against the world number 3. Although Medvedev still holds a 6-5 lead, the 12 The tour-level titlist has recorded five consecutive victories, including at the Australian Open, where he roared back from two sets to love to win his first major trophy.

Sinner took first place in the PIF ATP Live Race to Turin, showing patience in backhand-to-backhand exchanges, not forcing the ball down the line prematurely as he did in the first two sets of the Australian Open final , which led to a number of unforced errors.

In the Miami final for the third time (2021, 2023), Sinner will aim for his second ATP Masters 1000 crown (2023 Toronto) against fourth seed Alexander Zverev or 11th seed Grigor Dimitrov. Sinner, who plays in his fourth ATP Masters 1000 title match on Sunday, is the youngest player to reach three finals in Miami.

I remember the night before mine [first] last [in 2021], I could not sleep. I sweated during the night, Sinner recalled. Now I handle the situation much, much better. I'm just excited and happy to be back. Hopefully I can play good tennis on Sunday.

The 28-year-old Medvedev, now 18-4 on the season, aimed to successfully defend a title for the first time.




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