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WNBA Draft 2024: the most anticipated fashion of Monday evening

WNBA Draft 2024: the most anticipated fashion of Monday evening


Caitlin Clark. Cameron Brink. Kamilla Cardoso. Angel Reese.

Everyone will be in the spotlight on Monday evening WNBA Draft after facing the challenge that almost every woman can relate to: wearing the perfect outfit for a special occasion.

When a woman finds what she wants, the question is not whether changes are necessary, but to what extent. The bigger the woman, the greater the challenge.

This draftthanks to Clark and others, more people should be watching than ever.

There has never been more of a spotlight on women's basketball, thanks in large part to players like Caitlin Clark and coaches like Dawn Staley, ELLE's Features and Special Projects Editor Rose Minutaglio, wrote in an email to The Associated Press.

This makes it the perfect time for a fashion splash, just like NFL and NBA players do on their draft nights. Last year, UCF's Taylor Hendricks wore a pink suit with a jacket lined with photos depicting his journey to the NBA and the people who mattered most to him.

Louisville's Emily Engstler reacts after being selected by the Indiana Fever as the fourth overall pick in the WNBA basketball draft, April 11, 2022, in New York.  (AP Photo/Adam Hunger, file)

Louisville's Emily Engstler reacts after being selected by the Indiana Fever as the fourth overall pick in the WNBA basketball draft, April 11, 2022, in New York. (AP Photo/Adam Hunger, file)

With more eyes on the league, players are recognizing the opportunity to showcase their personality through their style, Minutaglio said. Due to stark wage gaps, fashion partnerships and brand sponsorships will continue to play an important role for female athletes.

Staley and her South Carolina Gamecocks win over Clark and Iowa in the women's national championship game surpassed men in television ratingsand it looks like the The most watched draft in the WNBA.

The 6-foot-1 Clark will be joined in New York by the 6-7 Cardoso, 6-5 Brink and 6-3 Reese, among others. They've also been busy since the NCAA Tournament, especially Clark, who made a surprise appearance on Saturday Night Live.

Clark wouldn't give her a say Sunday on what she wears Monday night, saying it's always difficult choosing clothes. Luckily, there were people who helped her prepare.

I didn't have to do everything myself, so it was a little less stressful, Clark said.

South Carolina head coach Dawn Staley celebrates after the Final Four college basketball championship game against Iowa in the women's NCAA tournament, Sunday, April 7, 2024, in Cleveland.  South Carolina won 87-75.  (AP Photo/Morry Gash)

South Carolina head coach Dawn Staley celebrates after the Final Four college basketball championship game against Iowa in the women's NCAA tournament, Sunday, April 7, 2024, in Cleveland. South Carolina won 87-75. (AP Photo/Morry Gash)

Finding out-of-the-box glamorous looks can be a challenge for most women.

However, being tall can actually be an advantage and not a hindrance for WNBA players. The models who grace the runways during fashion week and the covers of fashion magazines are often at least 6 feet tall and taller.

The growing popularity of leagues in recent years has also contributed.

Players also begin working directly with designers, who help outfit them, and stylists, who focus on the game-day drip, Minutaglio wrote.

This will be only the second WNBA draft with fans in attendance, and 1,000 tickets were sold in February for the event at the Brooklyn Academy of Music. Fans were able to witness the 2016 draft at the Mohegan Sun when former UConn All-American Breanna Stewart was the first pick.

Shakira Austin, the 2022 third overall pick by the Washington Mystics, understands the angst Clark and others face. While the 6-5 center played at the University of Mississippi, Austin was forced to get creative as she struggled to find pants that fit her or clothes that reflected her style.

So she picked up a sewing machine and became her own designer. Now that Austin is in the pros, she's a fashionista who harnesses her creativity and makes more than just pants, leggings, and shirts. Austin told the AP earlier this year that it was the perfect time to delve into both modeling and clothing design.

She sees no reason to wait until her playing career is over.

“I've always wanted my own brand, and I think this time allows me to really build on that and also collaborate with different brands and talk to people who are adding their own styles,” Austin said .

On her way to becoming the NCAA Division I all-time leading scorer, Clark was surprised by designer Kristin Juszczyk, whose husband, Kyle, plays for NFC champion San Francisco in the NFL. She created a down jacket with Clarks No. 22 in Iowa black and gold, placing the player in the company of the likes pop superstar Taylor Swift.

Minutaglio said several brands work with female athletes, with Glossier and SKIMS partnering specifically with the WNBA. She noted that sports brands like PUMA, Adidas and NIKE all work with women in basketball.

What's interesting is seeing players and teams go all out in high fashion, wearing clothes from Dior, Louis Vuitton and Gucci, Minutaglio said.

Staley herself was decked out on the sidelines of the title game in Louis Vuitton, from her silver jacket to her sneakers, drawing attention for her look far beyond the sports pages. Minutaglio noted that New York-based women's clothing brand MM LaFleur has a multi-year deal with the New York Liberty.

I wrote a story for ELLE in 2022, predicting the rise of WNBA game day fashion, and since then, the looks just keep getting better, Minutaglio wrote. The fashion world can't wait to see where this goes from here.


AP Basketball Writer Doug Feinberg contributed to this report.






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