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Louis Vuitton takes Shanghai by storm with “Voyager”

Louis Vuitton takes Shanghai by storm with “Voyager”


Louis Vuitton unveiled its latest traveling show “Voyager” in Shanghai with great fanfare, showcasing avant-garde designs against the bustling backdrop of China’s bustling metropolis. The event, held on Thursday evening, attracted more than 1,000 A-list guests, including international luminaries like Cate Blanchett and local sensations Zhou Dongyu and Jackson Wang.

Designed by women's creative director Nicolas Ghesquière, the pre-fall collection captivated attendees with its fusion of asymmetrical hemlines and structured leather vests, Reuters reported.

The exhibition found its stage within the vast confines of the Long Museum, an architectural marvel nestled in Shanghai's West Bund art district, designed by Atelier Deshaus. Here, fashion enthusiasts were treated to an immersive experience, with pieces designed in collaboration with Beijing-based artist Sun Yitian. Sun's signature artwork of meticulously painted inflatable animal photographs adorned the opening designs, adding a whimsical touch to the parade.

In the run-up to the event, Shanghai was abuzz as images of Sun's creations adorned the city's landscape, projected onto the facades of shopping malls and adorning the walls of trendy shopping districts. The show highlighted the city's status as a global fashion hub and a key market for luxury brands like Louis Vuitton.

For Louis Vuitton, China remains the cornerstone of its growth strategy in the luxury market. Despite broader economic challenges, the brand continues to experience strong demand from Chinese consumers. LVMH reported a 3% year-over-year increase in sales for the quarter ended March, as purchases by Chinese shoppers rose 10% globally. This reaffirms China's position as one of the most important opportunities for luxury brands, even amid economic uncertainty.

The launch of the “Voyager” show in Shanghai follows the successful presentation of Louis Vuitton's men's line in Hong Kong last year, demonstrating the brand's commitment to engaging with Chinese consumers on multiple fronts and consolidating its presence in the region’s thriving luxury landscape.

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