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USU and SLCC agreement opens new doors for fashion students

USU and SLCC agreement opens new doors for fashion students


Utah State University and Salt Lake Community College have entered into a transfer agreement to give fashion and design students the opportunity to continue their education and careers in the outdoor industry in full growth.

The new transfer agreement allows students who complete two years at SLCC's Fashion Institute to apply to USU's Outdoor Product Design and Development program after submitting a portfolio and being accepted into the program. Students attending USU must also submit portfolios and be officially accepted into the program. SLCC students who are accepted can then earn a bachelor's degree after two years of work at OPDD.

“When you start looking at the fashion and design industry, there are so many connections and overlaps,” said Amber Williams, assistant professor of professional practice for USU's OPDD program. “We should definitely work together. It just makes sense.

Prior to this transfer agreement, SLCC Fashion Institute students had to look out of state to continue their education. They would also lose the hard work they have already put into their degrees, as most fashion schools will not accept credits earned at other institutions.

This agreement has been in the works for several years. Representatives from SLCC and USU worked diligently to ensure alignment between the two programs. The goal was to create a smooth transition, without learning gaps, to help transfer students succeed.

“We provide opportunities to students who, at the beginning of their college career, might not have thought a four-year degree was possible,” Williams said. “And now we have a path that allows them to get there.” »

Both programs place a strong emphasis on practical training, practical skills and the acquisition of industrial experience. The SLCC Fashion Institute recently moved to a new state-of-the-art facility with the latest equipment. SLCC offers a diverse and affordable education, as well as online courses and flexible schedules. Faculty members have worked in the apparel industry, providing students with a range of first-hand knowledge.

“Our classes are small and our main goal is to pay attention to their future success,” said Mojdeh Sakaki, program manager of the SLCC Fashion Institute.

The USU OPDD program combines concepts such as industrial design, engineering, digital design, apparel and equipment design, sustainability, business, supply chain management and much more. The program is guided by an industry advisory board, comprised of leading companies in the outdoor recreation sector. The advisory board provides feedback on the curriculum, creates design challenges for students, provides internship opportunities, and ensures that the OPDD program leads the nation in preparing students to succeed as designers and developers of products in the outdoor industry.

“Textiles and clothing are a fundamental part of daily life and an important sector of the global economy,” Sakaki said. “The clothing industry employs more than 300 million people across the value chain. We live in a state where outdoor recreation and tourism is one of the major industries. Currently, Utah is home to 17 thriving outdoor clothing companies. These businesses are the backbone of our state’s economic development and we play an important role in providing them with a sustainable workforce.

SLCC Fashion Institute students can focus their studies on visual merchandising, fashion design, or technical apparel design. USU OPDD students can focus their studies on product design, product development, or product line management.

The first students to benefit from this new agreement will graduate from SLCC this spring and join USU this fall.

Click here to learn more about the Salt Lake Community College Fashion Institute, and Click here to learn more about USU’s OPDD program.




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